Vendeur: rarewaves-united ✉️ (380.394) 98.6%, Lieu où se trouve: 60502, US, Lieu de livraison: WORLDWIDE, Numéro de l'objet: 116347349236 Gary US Bonds Dance `Til Quarter to Three + Twist up Calypsso (CD). Détails de l’annonceTitre: Dance `Til Quarter to Three + Twist up Calypsso Condition: Neuf Format: CD Description: Digitally re-mastered two-fer containing a pair of albums from the Soul star plus seven bonus non-album tracks. Gary U.S. Bonds is a talented R&B singer/songwriter. His music combined rock-combo raunchy with impassioned, scorched Soul singing, backed by joyous horns and vocal chants that sounded like a rocked-up revival meeting. Both Bruce Springsteen and Steven Van Zandt were greatly influenced by Bonds' music. This release includes Gary U.S. Bonds' two first LPs in their entirety: Dance 'Til Quarter to Three (1960) and Twist Up Calypso (1962). Both albums were originally issued by the Legrand label, and have been re-mastered and packaged together in this very special collector's edition, which also includes 7 bonus tracks, consisting of hard to find sides from the same period. These fabulous recordings offer a solid introduction into this man's special brand of soul, and contain some of the best R&B and rock & roll of the era. HooDoo. EAN: 8436542013215 Type: Blues Rock Genre: Rocher Artiste: Gary US Bonds Nombre de disques: 1 Label discographique: Hoo Doo Records Information manquante?Veuillez nous contacter pour toute information manquante, nous l’ajouterions volontiers dans notre description.
PicClick Insights - Gary US Bonds Dance `Til Quarter to Three + Twist up Calypsso (CD) PicClick Exclusif
- Popularité - 0 personnes suivent la vente, 0.0 de nouvelles personnes suivent la vente par jour, 2 days for sale on eBay. 0 vendu, 2 disponibles.
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- Vendeur - 380.394+ articles vendu. 1.4% évaluations négative. Grand vendeur avec la très bonne rétroaction positive et plus de 50 cotes.
Popularité - Gary US Bonds Dance `Til Quarter to Three + Twist up Calypsso (CD)
0 personnes suivent la vente, 0.0 de nouvelles personnes suivent la vente par jour, 2 days for sale on eBay. 0 vendu, 2 disponibles.
Prix - Gary US Bonds Dance `Til Quarter to Three + Twist up Calypsso (CD)
Vendeur - Gary US Bonds Dance `Til Quarter to Three + Twist up Calypsso (CD)
380.394+ articles vendu. 1.4% évaluations négative. Grand vendeur avec la très bonne rétroaction positive et plus de 50 cotes.
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