Kansas Farmer and Mail and Breeze from Topeka, Kansas (2024)

i I i 1 I 4 s- ft, t'" -I .4 4r TBM -HAIL ,2 cigar bad enough to gag a buxxard or A iUtjsas mm esiia ci SBaii and freeze Is fait eatamra turn the stomach of a muck worm and the law will 'not touch him. but the lesser evil tf tbe cigarette Is prohibited, bill Is unfair. Inequitable and ptight not to become a law. at A'WmU; Wennpapcr Drte4 to tk I i the Bst SUt in tke Uoloa. Cwfl.CrraC 1 aarv start ki aaas) is the eohtaaa that THE OFFICIAL STATE PAPER OP KANSAS.

saa aa eapaa wer ustc sack taan A N't WITtl 1km Botisa aasuli Staaei flrat. UJ rieaAlaS atewe. 14. Of all in the town this class of men cait least afford to drink; these are the pdfeple wbcf are robbed by the joints. a it Self the tints are cleaned out an kept cleaned oat-and if the drug stores and clubs are Compelled to do a legitimate business jit majority, of the people of Topeka will say amen; bat while we are getting after the Individuals who want to sell liquor contrary to law, we want to impress on the mind.

of the young man that no law ever was made or can be made that will save him from going to hell if he is bent on going there. The young man who drinks whisky ARTHUR CAPPES, 1 ARTHUR CAPPER. Fsblisfer. OFFICESt There Is a possibility that the new revenue bill will not pass. When the bill came up In tbe lower house of congress the brewers and manufacturers of whisky-demanded that a reduction or something like forty per cent, we believe, be made on the tax on whisky FARMS, raechea.

mcrchan.st-i. e. 3hanvs. The Uuckcjre AgricoU. kan.

CAT A 1 1 Seed tie aad ret sne.bciac EX. BUFFALO. J. TdLepboM 70. to cure aay cae.

Ur. Otstrr. lauta 142 And beer. The house refused to make ATETY LEXE J.S The nr. ktrt T1i TinvM, cataUishcd March 18, 1871.

Aivoa. csublibd May 2. 1870. Perry Chief, established October 10, U71. The Hail, established October 20, llSL Richland Argosy, established May, 11, lflO.

any such reduction, claiming that beer and whisky ought to pay a good share Fof the bnrdens of the government. efwaha-rry. i-erajf tlrt. ejaee st generator rr.au and 6y A. I IV 4 jr.

Kan. tTirSANDS are ana marr. Mar? mrtathy. Vtrr lit aea'rd rl. I Wnrtr.

Tb Sunflower, eatabftshed September. 189C srw. When the house bill went over to the senate that body tossed it to one side and made up a bill of its own which re II lata Sia maker Haiir. if. SUBSCRIPTION RATES.

Oat year, in advance. duced the special tax on beer and AtJTS. leitbcr el to Kuralypta Ko" Kurr. Satnpte Sic. faiticw'ars 3c tamp.

Soap North llruoiHrtd. Ma. 'whisky some twenty per cent This V. trench, Oeneral aoucitor. Addrfeaa- ail commun ieattorta to THE MAIL.

AND BREEZE. Tooeks, Km. wasn't entirely satisfactory to the brewers who wanted more reduction. R. Mt.x.- tte.

T. Keetoae ataaaa. iar repty. and aafe-raarj. r' may be a smart man in many respects but so far as drinking is concerned, he is a fool.

We havn as much sympathy as we might have with all this sympathetic talk about the poor drunk, ard. If there wasn't quite so much talk about the poor drunkard. If there wan't quite so much drunks. If the young fellow understood that when he commences to drink it will mean that he can't get a job and can't get into respectable society and that if he gets drunk he will land on a rock rile; if all these things were understood there wouldn't be quite so many young fellows going to the devil on a fast trot as there are tacUan lor eH-adVlreed. Mamped envelop.

Mmo. It. lr. Kaa tut they were willing to stand it if FARMERS' tend SSc end ret recavne hat 20 TRAP COCrt ptcreres of wM aawaraka, aaarket rrpt sJ Watch, the label oa yoor paper. It tefla tbe date to vhich your aabecaipdoa is paid.

I( yoti want die paper stopped notify tbe office as preservea feaee posta of any timber, lor lea years. A. Boa 31. Hannibal. Ma.

oon a yotar obscrrpskm expires, otherwise veleaM teauraaartiow. AU a c-rrwi tami tt yam awracfa Mail end Brora. win oe BiMjerrtocxi taat yoti want tne paper IMake voir roorraet for toawatoea at iar per be ah el lor cac amber pieties, 5c per bvbr! contisnea ana yoa wm be expected to pa for it. of a efaanse of address honl be mad 'one week ia adrance. they could do no better.

Now the bill has gone back to the house and the members of the house ways and means committee is a part of them, are roaring. The house will probably yield to the senate but it ought not to. There may be some question as to whether the government ought to license the sale of either whisky or beer, but as long as the stuff Is licensed the government ought to stick It on. The fools who drink the whisky and tor cabbseje. per a Otto KltllXE A CO.

FARMERS ratt V- Traaw'a at present. The Mail and Breeze wftl he ta homer. rW v. frotn those who bare tbem, rood photographa FORM TLA of a ived French physician for loaf manbood. rare in 3R day.

rcrcT return. Sent ealed for tt ct-ntv lto it. Lima, tttiiu. ta I a. Pt What WIS We Do Abort of tork and ne IVx.

ftatrt. la. Every day makes it more evident as fine acll-aatered asock ranchea le I the corn bch of Kansas. Mu-4 be we suggested last week that this coun aatd. Price rieht.

Addre-M YVtrker 01 aoyuuna; sew end out ot tne ordinary in Xaasaa, such as unaaaallr excellent Kansas prodtscts, which illustrate th fertilitT and pro-doctiTeness of Kansas aoi, views of historical baildincs, portraits of farmers who hare been exceptionally successful, picturesque scenes among the hills and valleys of Kansas, tiye ootintry homes, fine cattle, in fact, any kind of a Kansas picture that will interest the xreat army of Mail and Breeze readers. This aCbtckea fianr Warm tacraea-r. nwaVd. Sc ft. a pew sample and laaifuW.

fe. I r. m. EatracT. ene rriemaa.

Madioa, Kan. trv is liable to have more trouble with Cuba than it did with Spain. And it mLADijla. send today for any free Moataly HallowrU. Ieviiae.

occurs to us that the Cubans have us KssrawHori' never saus: sometatar stew. jars. beer will not get their drinks a cent cheaper on account of the reduction. The twelve millions a year that will be knocked off the tax on whisky and beer kill go Into the pockets of the brewers and distillers. at at Andrew WU SpsasJ Rs rortuaa, Andy Carnegie, who has managed by F.

Beard, live Sc. LosusviUe. Ky. THE ITATICn HATCHET paper prints to ore illustrations than an the other newspapers of Kanaae combined. where the hair is abbreviated.

We started into the war with the fool declaration that we had no designs whatever to abridge in any way the 9t by mail anon reonse ad Sr. YUl'K I I I KK cm a tia crUalotd Wat-ton from any phtutorraph, only le cents, to r-trttdiKT my iwk. I1vj.o returned tmbarmrd. rttigan' hitehall. i.

KY. lHft K. IV Kaw.aa I sty, 3x independence of Cuba and now we are bound by that resolution. It was Cf Skirt riet -ear fcnr. Wl Good-Night." a photograph by Georg II.

Drceser. of Wlnfleld. which La ew looking after the corners to lay up mifcL .1 snvaaW wttfc my t2 won a prize in tne jyjnerican Photographic contest. WANTED A maa to do eaavasaina; ia tbe eonatry. Mast ksva Skis own boraa.

Will Ky good wacva to a com pet rot aaaaw Tbe tit aad Breeae, Topeka, kaa. fWrrorv IVpt 1. 1 1 oVI LF-F 0. Koa IC 1-ari. Mx naturally supposed that the Cubans would be so grateful to the United States for turning in and whipping Spain and setting them free that they little for a rainy day about $150,000.

000 has declared that it Is his pur to spend the fortune he has ac 1 LADIES Dr. Strickland's Rreulator THE KANSAS PLAINS 66. Cumulated in charity. lieves in ave hoars; box free. Stamp for particulars.

I'roan Chemical It 110-1 Crccato c3 Dry QzzCj trc2 would of their own accord grant this country any concessions that might be This Is a good scheme and we are glad that Andrew wants to spend the aukee, Wta. When Uacata Csajaiy Was Y1rc Ssll aas asked. It is now pretty well under money he has made In doing good ismw rock woo 110 asauost. rVlitor Mail ait llrrcic: Frier li4 Send sm ft mm ran and atdr.a and ait! send mst BMg fn I Kit. Keep paMlrd and make nr dultar dr.

MK.IMIARtir ttttSkS. tsa an.1 Si rsml siri.nr. Kan a arjr. Mk Mrnfi 1 rwv. like almost everybody else has RKMlNt.Tl Typeantcr t.No.

tt t.r fr GIN til. fhean. IScture and itnplt uf on The llurkeye Ka-t. a fad. His fad is to establish libraries Anion; those who lived In Kaunas free libraries where the general pub stood that Spain had tbe rebellion In the island of Cuba practically wiped out when this country interfered and it it had not been for the intervention if this country wjiat Cubans were left alive would be toaay under the dominion of the Spanish crown.

Under whert tho Indjan and bu.uloes male lie cjn go fill themselves with liters IMIlKS ran eaily snake irum three tu ave dollars a ilay ethnr oar Vrnttlated life wearyhome to the frontier ma 1 ture I'oMar. Sample JSc. Kio SmJjr HlacW gap. Fa. We don't wish to run down free 11 rnd his Umlly lured by tV government with the extinguishment of tne brar lea they are good things, but our these circ*mstances we say it is na right of the vagationd lnd'in the Sri.ENJHD Ytll'Xt; YtMAX ha.

fSi ik and kimmI inoane: wotstd rorrtrHmd mUt Trirtnvi, Freld and tneae glanra. Arr- fkwal eve and Spartacara by ma.1. (a ttiral to suppose that the Cubans would in the county." When hU read headed daughter, whose face was so freckled that It looked like a bran mash, was married the editor had given the wedding half a column. This first letter read as follows: "mr. edITor.

deer sir: In unser to yours of Resent date will say that I never ordered your contemp-table sheat In the first place. I Agrede to let It come fur 3 munths just to en-currage people to subscribe. There Is nuthln' In your little sheat worth read, tn'. I can get a paper that has five times as much rendln' In It as yours fur twenty-five 25 sents. I notice a good many course Joaks In yuor paper that alnt lltln' In my Opinion to come Into a cultivated family like mine.

I want you to stop your lyln' sheat at once. Yours, J. SMITH." The next letter he opened was from a man whose wife had died six months before. After the death, the bereaved spouse had sent In a column of obituary, half of It poetry of a character opinion Is that the people who really need help In the world won't get much good out of the libraries. The man man It man.

with iew to marriage. Addrea show sonjQ gratitude and that if they lands on the plains known as tho Buffalo range among those who hastened (neate aay leae nt ara itrsi 4a the city rait end have tested. Mi Ewertt. Ilox K7X ilncatru, 1U. have no gratitude that they ought to who Is locking for a job and don't display some common sense, but it 1 1 1 f.

lor drlaved a paiBtui prrt to make homes along the borders of the Hall k. Solomon and Repub'L-an, end (or one munrh's aupfy of oar rvru- know where to find It; who maybe has a wife aad five or six children on his latar. rrliet in 71 honrs guarantee! Remedy 44 E. Van IUarea Chicago. where the wily savage hunted for nis prey, womtn and children, knowing looks just now as if the crowd who are in control in Cuba have mighty little gratitude and less common sense.

They do not seem willing to grant this coun hands will not feel his heart swell with contentment and gratitude when some Hill well. It they were destroyed, they UKNTS UAMKIWS.il tart ILm Ink Tablet, a tablets, color. Eay. tjmck. sett body directs him to one of Carnegie try any concessions whatever.

They could drive the white man from their hunting grounds was a widow with a er; per cent eaan prom, in; nv package. free libraries. Books are all right In propose to be as absolutely independ Carl Kay Co Color (ornsat, Luck tsoa their place, but a look doesn't satis Sta. (Vteiand. O.

ent of us as they are of Russia. And Passing Comment. Waked Dp. Prohibition may be a dead letter In some places, but we are satisfied that there are some jointists In the city of Topeka who believe right now that it is a little the livest corpse they have ever come in contact with. The fact is that all along the jointists have' been laboring under a mistaken idea up to the last few days.

They lHlieved that there was a majority sentiment in their favor in the city of Topeka. It did look a trifle that way we are free to confess. Officers whose special duty it is to see that the law is enforced made absolutely no effort to do their duty; the jointists were bold, defiant. They were asking the people who iusisted that the law ought to be enforced, what they proposed to do alxut It and the people who were insisting op the enforcement of law had no definite answer to make to the interrogatory. It isn't any particular wonder that the jointists felt safe and defiant.

son or It! and a nephew with health broken by the hardships of a war Just over. They took up claims In the cor THAT LACS CACS. A trial eat meat asiSWisaa cm -nee w.H rare titeae aUmewt. a WjkWt teatinwHulv -rmt wpnn n4 1 1 re pumeamr I. 1)1 ATt llr.MIt Al.

Indianapolis, lad. Learn a Occd Trcdc what can this country do about it fy the hankerings of an empty stoni ach. Andy, we suppose will scatter 11 II AT TEA lliSTS WILL HO-Bar a There is about one chance in a hun brarles all over the country. Each ner of the Just organized county of Ot pretty scrap baakct pat rem. wieh fall in traction how to get a JMrely silk or aatia cramped headrmt flee.

Addreaa E. M. Hadd. Mil- dred that the Island will get along for that was calculated to drive a good tiatan tt ttlaa Qultnaa a ll aw library probably will have a bronie two or three -years without a revolu brook. Kesalall 1-tUeota.

Ilox a. bust of Andy himself set up In a prom tion. And when they revolute and pry man to hard drink and the rest of hi 7, 7 wesVamiiw devoted principally to telling what a on the POUth Th- tZl model husband the widower had been tfj kIII .1 1.. 1.1. 1 m.

month of June. 1866. None, but here lnent place and the name of Carnegie HOP REEK and OLD RYE WlltSkKA up hades and destroy property what Leera rKe barber traaV a4 tbe aid establlskad reliable Kaasaa Cky Sarkst CnUaara. laasp takes a few weave, Crasissns mwa akaJaaaasa, RrX'll'ES, ZV. tiet them and save wary will be inscribed on the door plate of can this country do? We will have no KM ITt.S lir.ML.Tr.r.ll.

KM Fall more right to interfere than we would I PES a TT. n. X. J. the building in which the library Is kept.

In this way Andy's name will be rvaaaanaaf mr nt trv. Wrrte tlmm it w. ZVL uki- tnere a nunter trsppcr. with a ihJL- ul acres of ground broken abd a dug. for a shelter, disturbed the posse! was out shining round the mar have to interfere when there is a revo AC.E.NTS XYAXTEDlieentiful Trapa- RRlDGEPORlk.

Mp. r. i W. Sta among rnt Itandle lurfcet Ksuvra. Aanr tm tae lution on hand in one of the South American or Central American repub ston of the prairie dog handed down to generations yet unborn but the people who are living in wretched tenements, who are starving side, phixo on Ijh- ton.

tihijt. lics. When the Cuban revolutionists for pure air and poisoning themselves destroy the property and Imprison the. Ru30EaUaCnFc3 ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? If so send as El aad wa will aend vats ales a- with half-rotten food and not much 01 subjects of some foreign power that that, will they rise up and bless the power will sail in and practically take name of Carnegie? Well, hardly, possession of the island and run it to Hons and Boor plana for six hoaaea; aay stow many rooms: if yoa) order complete plan tea tl ad! be refunded; complete plan to SIX Contractors ami carpenters send stamp for valuable information. Per Sin te-ti We are not kicking on rich men suit itself.

What will we do then They are good as the rich men who have died and gone: in fact they are J. K. BRIDGMAX. Arebiteet. Interfere and get into a war with the foreign power? That seems to be page wr or(I md a artal nni m.

fcrtent to runomr wa tbm VKttt 1 1 w. th aondrrfal new iHt-nrrt eiraca wUI Scon, however, the white covered wagon with Its company of women, children, dogs and other necessary accompaniments of civilized life, began to locate claims on the river. As in Ibis sparsely settled country neighbors were mlks apart, the Union Pacific. railway then building under a Rrant of every odd section, became The gentle savage did not commence his depredations until September. 1877.

so thop who came the year preceding hail made a little start towards homes. Lincoln county too had organized and a loia. probably better. There is more rea nearly the size of it. charity among the rich men than there rlngeable females.

1 This letter ran as follows: rfMn I Editor: ilt.am surprised -tn receive your dun, 1 think yon must keep. your books in a mlihty tareleps manner us I am confidant I paid youa tloLLu-. not more than tln-ee your paper to help you out, Jul If 1 am be cVMInually and Insulted wUth duns I want It to strip. I am taking 'more papers than I can' road any-waj Strike my name off yoiir.i 'One man railed at the odltpr lWau'se he didn't come out stroug for, a cbfc-eh crdlnancc suld wantei I9 see an editor have an opinion on questions that Interested the people, and ordered the paper stopped at once. man roared because the editor was siding In with a lot of cranks who were WANTEW-Everybody to Oh.

we American sovereigns think Mistaetiy ea nana, tn ssree er ssas Put after all the jointists were mistaken. The officers who ought to have Keen that the law was enforced and didn't, were mistaken, because they believed, just as the joint keepers did, that there was little public sentiment behind the law. Mrs. Nation, who is a somewhat hysterical, and we think slightly unbalanced woman came and commenced to smash things. We are not putting up any defense for Mrs.

Nation. In fact we have said all the time that we can not see how enrv tbe am atT.Mv mm msatr etare rifmei a -m m. frvf a hn.Att ft tit a-k-ng t.l.AIMAn tkt (II KM MM. I MH IM. V.

ever has been, but there Isn an over we are powerful smart but we act ties, all kinds el brick for aeviea. production of genuine charity among sometimes as If we had less sense than and bnildinc pnrpoaea. Capital dry Virnaed Brick and raviaa Csv, VUUa Edseav Secy. the rich yet. The most or them want tn trivn aifta that will be noticed and Offlet removed tn lit W.

kh Thompson's colt. a a The Aati Cigarette Law. praised by newspapers. They want to IHV Tl CCKK TIIK TtsRVCCtt II niT. Mr.

I. Kar. IKri lliah lie. M.mi-. build colleges and found free libraries Inaa.

cured br huiand alter fHtr tear' ue ccisc: things that never touch the people who A bill passed the house on Tues day and may possibly pass the senate that makes it a misdemeanor punish a law abiding citizen can endorse that ff tolirro. It never Ui'el mi a caw yet. Aajr dniKjiit can pv. it up She i'l c-nd the anl direction free to any one rod in- her a (tamp. ranch with a general purpose store had been started at the mouth of Spllman creek and Saline river.

On the way to Sehlmmerhorn's was the beautiful Table Hock standing loldly tut on the high plains without anything to obstruct the view of It as rar as the eye ra'ckly. effreraeflw, aafefy. ilYruoftaiaus. xi live In tenements. at at at Caa't Please 'Eta All.

method of procedure, but the smashinj embbetty. No eatravaeant rKsegva. A method of Mrs. Nation did some son ruining the town by trying to make I able by heavy fine, or by line and im prisonment. to sell cigarettes or cigar ette paper to any person.

tfOBlK CURE. Vtnae iar WANTED-Ladiae aaW asrsrw I a'viasj dace tbe bottest aatlae at siderable good after all. It demonstrated to begin with that when the a Sunday school place out or It and then he paid that he was satisfied that No Erastus. if you are determined as White's Electric Cosab. aateatad ISdk Aeaaas I Rooavr nttdat trv.

atn. vou say to go into the newspaper bus ere coining money. Cares an forma el scale jointists in Topeka get into trouble they have mighty few real friends in the he didn't owe the editor nny such amount as he claimed anyway. An iness and be an editor dont labor under the impression that you can please 'em ailments, beedecbea. art costs tbe seme aa aa ordinary comb.

SeaQ Me ia stamps far sample. D. N. Roac. Gea.

Decatur. IIL We have no apologies to offer for the cigarette. We don't like to see either man or boy smoking a cigarette, but we draw the line on that bill. The anti-cigarette bill. If it should become city.

It waked up the friends of law and Thia tJc-D Giirca Rizzj. other citizen replied by denouncing the editor because he did not Inildly attack all. You will be the worst disappoint order a3 they have not been waked up Iloyt. Ian 1st. Il TJy morwal con within the recollection of the writer the dens of Infamy that were ruining ed person In this section of the country if you start out with that idea.

We Thrrr i hjnr IT acre mi smcv land. mrm huue. 3 atrr ymeyard. tm rw tree. t-nt hrm F.

Mi ji nl Ihtncm a law. can not be defended on the same hundreds of young men In the ground that the prohibitory law is de No such meeting was ever held In the city of Topeka as the meeting in the He ordered the paper stopped and said fended. The saloon is prohibited on oarn. snw fan hew bne. (Mwi are1, ahowt aerea garden nd a a ef rtie cn.

Free maafs dr ve an eba We rtekvt at hw iut tav lieen dv-o'vtd Ik-. Duntaa remaining in rRce. Ir I'rttij. nm-jved t- h' 5ttt. Ilo'v-n earhnae I I'KTTIH'IIN.

It 1 HCVt'W. l. It knew an editor who tried it. rpr a while things seemed to run smooth with him. He never said a mean anew eary.

Auditorium on Sunday afternoon i' the theory that it is damaging to so- that he was willing to pay what he really owed, but he was satisfied that Sometimes when there is a temperance r-c-i rhet a- ar ar am a I ciety in general: It breeds drunkenness thing about anybody unless it was he did not owe any such amount n3 the meeting held in the town it is made or In-a? rant. a naaaad 4 some person who never had lived In his editor claimed. up largely of women: here was a meet WANTED -Men to barn bar tra.ie. liare noa tre -Bring rtrH tn'y ru! ek town and never would who wasn 1 When the editor got through he required. Ireent gradnate comptrtt ing of three thousand men.

many of them the leading business men of the a subscriber nor likely to He al heaved a sigh and then he hung this oc.ht oi t. and toy alZ aeek. a tn ar mr ptar sr tKkrt are Wd te Mr! -r-m naMW Vfrd nnt it nM- 4 mm Km 1 arc mr "11 pmtt a iee t- tnm rtwi NIK It'Nt MIX tirv WiCKLY Mo mtttinc rk S. lrr ni tr be ti. Hn tn drMt tw ways spoke of the young fellows who nerent.

I onlon: tiractiee. exin-rt tntrnt- brief declaration on the c-jpy hook: city. That crowd meant business and no got married as enterprising ana rising ttoti CataUiarue a-d I tr-i Moler llarl.rr College. St. Mo.

"Hereafter the editor of this paper will young men with every promise or a body realized it better than the try to run tt to suit himself as near as bright and successful future, ana ne Ladies, de yoa know that yoa can he can. He will not hereafter speak jo'ntists. terr wrtk mm "Fttw a-d 'laana, na.t U- drawing a 4 datrea(e. and tfe set a always described the brides as among of red-headed, frecklfd-faced. turnip.

The gentlemen who have been selling arm irss saiegaare taat positivsiy irreg-alaritirs. ceres female troabt aa. the most charming and worthy young nosed females of uncertain age as are tbe no inennvemeace wttateverr Snrh a if far ahevv are fer -v ladles of the community. He filled Hebe Sepposhoriea. Never Trnown te fail.

whole columns about progressive citi Sam ale aad advice, ten eeata. Strictly ftdentiaL ycung and beautiful. Neither will he speak of -a man who hasn't as much Intelligence as a cow as one of the leading and most level-headed citizens of zens, many of whom didn't amount to -T ctar. i-nurwwa arv mm mrt mvmm -4 N.jven-Krr f. ng i Ka' Tt nckc are la ord.e rka? we may rW tbt sa tin mt-m- od- aT st'ms rVwa tetft rf d.

"ar. ta bm mc, sxaan v. rmm- t4 enough to pay fcr the powder that TAIU.i: RlK'K would be necessary to blow them into and drunkennese breeds disorder, therefore society has a right to prohibit it in self-defense. We hrrdly suppose that anybody would seriously claim that the sale of cigarettes breeds disorder. The continued use of the cigarette may ruin the health of the individual who smokes the cigarette, but it doesn't cause him to go out and raise thunder on the street or break up furniture or disturb the peace and quiet of the community.

The fact we believe is that more blame has been laid on the cigarette than it deserves. We don't smoke cigarettes; we don't really like to see other people smoke 'em. but we don't believe hat the cigarette does as much harm to the human crgani6m as the cheap, vile cigar that is sold in about every grocery store. The tobacco in the cigarette is at least a fair article so far as quality goes, while the cheap cigar is generally an abomination, fit only to be cast out and trodden under foot of men. you notice that fellow going THE HEBE CHEMICAL CO.

Kaa sea City. Me. to pastare. I want tmS more eetrJe to oaatisra on me rwit r4 1 SM COtXTY IX LINCOLN KANSAS the town. If any Individual wants a the unknown hence.

In fact, you would puff of himself In this paper which Pr-e. "a ml ve S3n mm aid a pee-tn Imyma the grravw mi nrbu f-n-a have supposed to read his paper that the editor knows he isn't entitled to could see. The pillars supporting the acrae in Wabaaasee eoamt. Kansas, a- wwleal w. Tj the td.

Saa ee. there were more progressive citizens to west of Eskridsre. 2 miles soot of Ifaiikta. I Ticket THE lt'XC-Tllli ITV table were far enough apart to allow a he will have to put up for the same at on Alma branch nf A. T.

A- S. F. and til WEEKLY F.EKLY CXfttX w.tt'keaa. ymm W'Tfrtw? BslBBafMtSpSBat. flsaTHa'Sna1 tJ sanw' OXttm- the rate of 10 cents a line straight the square rod In that community than could be found anywhere else on earth.

wagon and team to pass through under the table. Many names and some queer hieroglyphics were scratched on the II II This thing of trying to run a paper that will please everybody and run It It jtf aj. tmrraJtaant He gave the neighborhood gossip. miles S. E.

of Alma on C. R. I. I. Ry.

Only mUes from corn beh. tiovd grawa and spring water. Any dew red tars ate given. Pasture aibdirided. J.

Lock hart, Eskridgv, Kan. but managed to. keep from getting soft sandstone and prostrate around It on hot air at that. Is played out. mixed up InHhe neighborhood quarrels, were stones with the Impress of leaves St a St He gave all the candidates for the va turkey tracks and other evidences of DD! cm 1 ri nse a Mal car4 and I New Cnfjlaaders Htar Long.

rious nominations elegant send-otrs 1 srive arousx mth the age when this mesa was covered probably with lava. Very beautiful and kept the matter of his personal pnee bat western grawa Congressman Chester I Long was MtrfTtrs tree tear are ai choice In the dark until after the con was the rolling prairie, covered with eh mated tn Kanan. trosn 1 venticn. He even didn't dun his sub the principal speaker at the Lincoln day banquet of the Lincoln club of tbe short buffalo grass and its wealth 1 tret in height. IVire scribers for their subscription for fear of gorgeous flowers undisturbed only tn as cents esc k.

THEM AXSOX. Wathena. A. W. Portland.

Mc. attended by over 200 prominent Republicans cf Maine, and LTnaTlalneeawe rW fa*g SaPeainai! taatmaw by wM yam aawisfaaay eaaatae PICPflrt5lC Weaknesa. aigtit lovaea. was given an enthusiastic reception iy the coyote and seme passerby at long Intervals. All Is changed now.

ue white man finding the lock necessary for his use. or Interfering with his corn field, de he would make them hot. Of course, he got graybeaded figuring out where he could raise the money to pay for the next paper bill and when he paid his regular typesetter and the devil at the end of the week, he generally went HIVWUHttilig cured. Urs. eerte Searles.

Lincoln. Xebraska. what was one of his most felicitous liquid hell and damnation are going out of town. They think that is the safest thing to do. but they don't intend to stay out.

They have a notion that the present storm will blow over in a few weeks and that it will then le safe for them to open up. Our opinion is that they will find that they are the worst mistaken lot of men who ever tried to do business contrary to law. tt tt Vt Xfter all the jointists are not the people who are most to blame in this business. We think it is safe to say that generally the man who runs the joint has no financial interest in the thing aside from what little salary he gets. The, jointist is cheap, irresponsible sort of a bum, too worthless to earn a living in any decent and legitimate business.

The liquors and saloon fixtures are owned by people who never have lived here in all probability. These owners stand behind the irresponsible hum and agree to pay him so much per montu or a certain per cent on the sales. If he gets Into trouble they hire a lawyer to defend him; If he has to pay a fine put un the cssh. Who supports the joint? We have wondered what class of people the jointists lived on. Certainly no considerable number of reputable business men will make a practice of sliding down back alley ways and through dark rooms to get a drink.

If that kind of men drink they are apt to get their liquor in places that are sort of half way respectable: in clubs or possibly behind the prescription cases of drug stores. The joints must be supported by poor men who are working for small wages, who do not belong to fashionable clubs or lodges organized principally for purposes of iirigation. along the street smoking a cigar that makes tbe aroma of a barnyard or an aged billle goat like the perfume of roses by comparison? Well. If you knew how that cigar was made you wouldn't wonder at the Floor sweepings: "6nlpes." gathered from the street gutters by grimy sons of Italy; pieces of shingle nails: shreds of discarded garments; locks of hair fur speeches, the Kansas' congressman LAOIOfS owt of beettn. drew the following parallels In the his stroyed this most picturesque feature Operations not needed in snrnas rniatitr tory of the two states: home busted himself.

All his sub DKH. SEARLES at SEARLES. Lrneotn. Xrb. i SnVsMsV Since thene tao state have, been in the scribers didn't get In arrears and he W.liaJ tmmm got some advertising and legals that were cash.

So he managed to worry I'nton thev 4iae agreed on many thing and have differed on but few. In tbe davs of Itlaine. Kana al way. was witting that Staine should furtuVii the ountrv arrh a oretudent. nished by ownerless dogs and uncur-ried mules; leaves of the jimpson and alcng for two or three years.

His books IWvd mmim "amen ro leara tetearrapsiy WIU4AB TnCSXIA! Kr. Fa. good artssattosm smaranteaal TTbsa a il when woaJ-fted- rrte J. l. Brana, Manager.

naaaaasat TeatCS C3 CSt CSas zf; TQ)ATIHN'irs rm. WttXtAM TTLGtrUAO. in the landscape. Gone are the Indian and his victims and the hand that pecs this reminiscence will soon follow the eaTly settler to the silent city. Cares Cfossl Psteas) Trastaisnt Frea.

Blood poison Is the worst disease on earth, yet iae easiest tn cure when B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm I Is used- the decayed cabbage; litter carried In We marched under the banner ot the Plumed Knivh to aucceiye defeats until from acro he sea be cametly. reoueated that rfiould continue no txnvger. II some people ivan-sas Jtave belieTd in fat money, so have aome in Maine.

We have had- Poputiacs in Kansas from the street; bits of straw rejected by the town cow and feathers from the coat of the despised sparrow, all wrap-ped together dosed with some sort of drug to hide in a measure its vilenss hut yon Ciave the irrrewb ackers tn If vast fail a rare We once had dual boueea in our legislature. Many have pimples, spots on the skin, ulcers, mucous patches, falling hair, itching skin, bone pains, rheumatism. try rUINK. lite mifctia as canc4 out end quartered in she (state hotte. trr nprene court decided which waa the legal house of reTa-esentatives, showed by that time that there was $3,000 due him on subscription.

He was getting hump shouldered and the back of his coat got so "shiny" that he used to hsng it up and use it for a mirror. Things were getting desperate with that editor. Something had to be done. He sat down and after much deliberation he finally evolved a circular letter that read like this: "Dear Pressing-1 necessity compels me to ask you a favor. "There is a mere trifle of due on your subscription.

I know that this acmewy Ca, sc. Loms. Me. catarrh, eating, bleeding, festering 5To52 end in so doing followed a decision of trie Tar-Vcm aupreme court of Ma ne, rendered under -like sores, scrotals. Scats and scales, and dan 'X "kHow it is blood poison.

Get Botanic Blood Balm (R B. a) $1. conditions. and then sold at the rate of three for five The man who puts it between his lips takes chances on contracting the smallpox, leprosy, cancer, tuberculosis, and several other varieties of contagious diseases. Some really like the smell of a cigarette but we have never found anybody so far gone that he would acknowledge that he en B.

Fmkt St Cax. According to recent legislation In A few Lotties guaranteed to cure tbe acfffsrr rsrr iOTmrtrr-fcf iLL sprweted eat SHAKES. Xa Ilea, 1 sx-t-ra -mw na New York state a man is required to am etn tm support his inouier-ln-law. Another ET kSpttrOfff faBVffaanlffffsL Oal worst cases. Sold st drag stores Treatment of B.

B. B. sent free snd prepaid by writing to Blood Balm 1 Mitchell sL. Atlanta, Go. Describe REE watb order.

Alan Smart Fwtatnts sar Is a mere oversight on your part and legal arrangement provides that a tie. i. j. MN3U. Cot sank a.

aV joyed the smell of one of these vile woman need not support her husband cigars. The smoker of that kind of weed is really a nuisance and a menace rami unless he is Incapable of labor or unless an agreement for mutual support has been made previous to marriage. urn atiuag aaaft.wayrw a SETirCA LBAHIHSe Tbe Great Xew YeSew Cora. A disrimr iMmii sa aiMUww las tiara, Wttaa awssa iHiiiimMfmn trouble and free, medical advice given until cured. B.

B. B. thoroughly tested for 30 Cures when all else fails. B. B.

B. makea blood pare and rich, heels every sore, and stops all aches and palna. B. B. B.

Improves the Children nevef err verr loud for It. hope to receive the trifling remittance bjt return mall. The result was considerable of a surprise party to that editor. Within two day he received five replies td his gentle rernjnder. The replies were not accompanied by cash, but the reading In them was calculated to harrow up the editor's soul.

The first one he opened was from a man who had been mentioned-in the paper seventeen times as one of the Bost.projpave cItUetts4 RQklXUk IsJawmWiOe, IU. itry rtr ta sr -a'w Sz to the health of both himself and the community. don't know but what a law to suppress him and his cigar might be the proper thing for the same reason that it is, proper to suppress a hogpen or the decaying carcass of a dead dog. But this law does not touch the cheap, and vlle-emelling rmm Arm aa. waw wOL east i aily, Mveteseasfy.

Oae 'TLA (rar saeora, ItMaJPilBil a laaej IibSWii tils aaxtaare ta agtewybesr off taat get fbaa taam eaare. stU4U sabs but they do' like Dr. Caldwell's 8yrup PfepMtt. Ask all drvcsrsts. cigar.

A man may Sell or smoke a Wkca wrttisff maentiosl Topefce Mall sal A t- 1 4 J' i i. i.

Kansas Farmer and Mail and Breeze from Topeka, Kansas (2024)
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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.