The Journal from Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, England (2024)

I. VOTE tyitrr STREET sXtB aooUSc NEWCASTLE MM. at fiyaaui BKAUKIN aws. ra'nsM CMRo.iCT top. Toilet 4 Door SiAta, DTA-W.

3 sprteg toew IhMKbooe witant Mabcgiaj and and (DMrtor Bm and Iras pttdstoads, Aad ISO lota WBHB EASTEN CO. will SELL BY AUCTION, toasirtmenU' of tiMrin NEW And TkCOND EANU FCRNITCRK and FVRNISBINGS of to witt fctocta of Hardwftra, Oothittf. Goods, able And eoadriw lota And MM stotts. ana BOndrtee IoU Md UU st too ol tfcta fcdwtbWPt. SaJt of Household Furniture.

Wearing Apparel, Ccnlectionei-'e Stock. Ac. TUESDAY. JaNCaRV 18M. "The" Auction Room', 6, JUrkat straet and 16, Hood Street.

Newcnstle-on-Tyne. fTIHOMAS M. DAWSON -will SELL BY AUC- XION nboce. a BED BOOM SUITE in walnut inlaid Urith oatM wood, of a superior make and design; birch wardrobe, two pair ol toilet tablet, bedsteads and bedding, carpets, hand dining room in leather, conch and sofa In easy chairs and chairs in half-dozens, also in seatlag: feed room glasses, fenders and die-irons, fine asbpsn. superior large mahogany wardrobe with a fine silecred glass door; second-hand drawing room suite to cabinet, mahogany sideboard, coal caeea, Us toilet: sete, cf baHtaMes with hat rack, tient ol fancy confectioner's wast 08 wearing apparel, few Piece.

Worsted cloth in sait cases, few lou of jewellery, Ac. Tuesday uJ Wednesday. January Handsome Household Furniture and Effects at No 3, "est 9 Arenue liosforth. MR ROBERT MACK, instructed by jj todj declining housekeeping. "ill SELL BY AUCTION, on She premises as abore.

on Tuesday and Wednesday, January 29th and 30th, at 11 o'clock each day. the handsome HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and EFFECTS, including "alnut drawing roots suite lu crimson select, walnut Cottage Pianoforte, full by Ralph Allison and Son, oak dining toom suite in leather, bed room in polished and pine, oil-paintings (by Train, G. B. Sticks. Mark Thompson, black and gold Eteeonport writing desk, handsome mirror and ornaments, a few volumes of books, coloured and other engrarlngs, wide-width stair carpets, bronzed hat and umbrella stand, kitchen farniture, and a lawn mower, the principal articles oi furniture Bring bv the late Mr Kinneac and Messrs Kilgour and Liddell.

Tfce whole will be on View on Monday, January 28tb, from 11 to o'clock, and the Catalogues will be ready on Saturday, January SOU MOSTLY WITHOUT RESERVE.7Z important to Parties rumishing. Hob-land Restaurant Steepen, and others important and attractise of Marble French and Florentine Bronzes; also a flae cpuectaoa -ol Sheffield Silser Plated Goods. Table and other Cutlery. ANDERSON and SONS have w- JW ceired instruct ions from an etninent Sheffield merchant SELL BY AUCTION In their Sale Rooms, 71Pilpim Kstreet, Newcastle. cn Tuesday.

Wednreday, and Tbureday. Jan. 29th, CCtb. and3lst. ofiSjJfigS comprisir.i in ELECTRO-PLATE and CUTLERY Almost every article in table appointments connected with the trade, consisting of fruit and flower stands, dish onsen, entree dishes, sonp tureens, salrere, coffee trays, 10 tea sad vertices, 24 cruets (4, 6.

and 6 20 butter coolers, 12 tea ftots, 6 tea kettles on stands, with 15 biscuit caddies, 4 sis cup egg frames. 10 cake and bread baskets. 14 pickle frames, liquet frames, 18 claret and hot water jugs, 2ao dosen oS table spoons and forks. ICo dozen table and dessert knives, 95 pairs of eatTcrs. 6 dozen steels, 18 toast racks, eets of fruit knives and forks in mahogany cases, with ivory, psarl, and silser plated Dandles; sets fish knives and forks in mabogray cases, and a variety of ether goods too numerous to mention in an Sale at 11 4.M.

and 7 K. each day. The AICtIONEEhs call particular atteation this Sale as iting f-ell worthy the attention oi IOiO Great Pale of Furniture. UTR GEO. BARNES has been fas-oared with JLVJL instructions from Major Cor.lcn-Sbort, 3.

Kensington Esplanade, r.i-hopwearmenth. Sunderland, who is leaving England, to PFLLBV ArcnoN. on the premises, the whole cfthe valuable HOUSEHOLD f*ckMTTRE. comprising splendid dicing, dean lug, library, and bed room ruites, mantel mirrors, handsome mahogany coeval glass. mahogany dressing table and classes, marble wash-hand stands, a noble mahogany bedstead, iron bed and bedding, chandeliers, gas Ettings.Ac.

carpets, stair carpeting an n.assise; trass rods, pictures and harcin.s, curtains. shades, nigs, mats, Ac an 1 irons, glasses, Ac. together with complete kitchen utensils and sanities. Including a large dog kennel, garden seats ar.d implements, Ac. also a and mangling The "whole of ths Fnrnltnre is in excellent condition.

A supeib PIANO, by Colla-d and Coll-ird. which will be sold at thre- deck the Bret day of sale. On slew Monday, January 2Sth, from II to 3 P.M. on Tuesday and Wednesday, January 29tb and JUth, 1254, commencing at eleven o'clock punctually each and other Freehold Promisee to Ord Street and Victoria Street, N'ewcastle-on-Tyno. TTENTIV B.

SLEE in instructed to SELL BY I PI'EIIC A t'CTIOS, at the Royal Turf Hotel, Collingwood Street, Newcastle on Tuesday. Jan. 29, 18BV, at throe prompt, the following FREEHOLD PROPERTIES Lot 1 All those FREEHOLD PREMISES, No. 6, Ord Street, Newcastle-on Tyne, known as the Parker Anns," and comprising. on ground floor, eery spacious and commodious bar, newsroom, with snug behind.

First floor, large club room, eltting room, ari tbree bed-rooms, with three attics above. There are two excellent cellars and two underground kitchens, in the occupation of Mr John Pattison, at the yearly rent of fill 12. The Is fully licensed, and It immediately opposite the Cattle Market, thus standing in an escellent position, end presents tc in testers, spirit merchants, and brewers in particular, eery investments. lot 2. All that FREEHOLD DWELLING HOUSE Xoa.

9 and 81. Victoria Street, Tyne, comprising, on ground gh-or, tbri-c room-, scullery, yard, ant out bouses, in the occupation of Mr C. E. Det" First floor, four rooms, wash kitchen, with cold water, two attics above, in the occupation of Mr Satfceifcrd. Each tenant has separate fiont and Lack entrances, For' further apply to Messrs 3.

O. BROWS and FON, 5, Moeley Street, or to the 30. Ellison Street. Gateshead on Tyne. FeeTs.G-eat Northern Horse Repository, Haymarket.

The Oldest the City. SALES BY AUCTION OF HORSES, CAR. RIAGES, and SADDLERY, every Tuesday at 2 o'clock. Katries respectfully solicited. A.


ESTABLISHED 1810. This (Tuesday; afternoon, at two o'clock, the undermentioned HUNTERS, HACKS, and CARRIAGE HORSES; alio. (j g. Waggonette. 3 Sets Harness, and 18 Sheets will be submitted to PUBLIC COMPETITION, in King and Gillespie's Sfard, Clayton Street, Newcastle.


Let 1. Bay Mare "NeU," 7 years old, about IS been eunted three seasons, good fencer; quiet iu saddle, and warranted sound. Lot I. Bay Horse, 5 years cIJ, 15 3 h.b in doable and single harness or saddle. Kt Let 3.

Dark Biy Horse. 5 years old. 15 3 h. Lot 4 Grey Horse, 7 years old, 14 3 quiet in single harness or saddle. Lot 5.

Black Horse, 7 years old, 15 2 quiet in double aad tingle harness or saddle. i Lot 6. Chestnut Horse, 7 years oi 16 quiet in good hunter, anJ clever fencer, has been regularly busted this 7. Grey Gel line 6 years 2 quiet in double and Single harness or si-Idle been bunted; clevei fencer and fast. Lot E.

Brown Horse. 8 years old, about 15 h.h splendid lady's hack; brilliant jumper ami very fqst with bounds; been accustomed to harness, but not lately. Lot 9. Black i'ony, aged, 13 h.b quiet in double and single Eirae's cr raddle, and a good worker in all yokes. Lot 10.

Dark Brown Horse, years old, 16 h.h quiet in double Lot 11. Black Cob, 5 old, 14 3 h.h.; quiet and a pool worker in yokes. Open to V.s. examination prior to sale. Lot 12.

quiet to ride and drive; ft very high stepper. Open to V.S. examination prior to sale. Led 13. Brown 6 years old.

15 3 h.b-: good hack and clever hunter, up to 1: stone across country; good in all his paces anJ fast, warranted steady ind.ulle an single harness, and tree from vice. fiLct 14. Bay Horse. 7 years 1. 16 hh; quiet in double and single harness and to ride; a very free goer; pvled with on account of owner having no futtlier use for him.

Lot 15. Brown Pony, 12 li.h very docile and fast; qu'et to aide and drive. Lot 16. Bay Hrrse. 6 years old, 15 3 quiet in double ftjnglebarnes-or-a Open to examination prior to sale Lot 17.

Pony. 5 years old, 12 h.h. Lot 18. Dark Chestnut Horse, 6 years old; perfect in double ftnd single harness or saddle. All the above are subject to V.S.

examination prior to sale Hale at 2 o'clock prompt. 1229 IWITICK 1 TO BtltllM. ATINBALL'B MBAT AUCTIONBALKS AWWICTRI Hwi hMd (at PRIUTB RAU -80, to Briekn ud )M hold MBit ABCTIOW BALI TBURWTOY it 138 P.M.« mmS "FACT" PsWie, UMt tbc POPULAR SALS ROOMS, Erwlsg, MntlT nutt! TBIM. tboot to itock to AkpoMof. tbould or toMr ROWWT PLOWKBS, AacttoDOCi Ml V.lttJT.

wholt to tcr by Auction BB of BceauU. OR YIEW THIS DAY; 57. TmtM Timtt, Dnrhua Jannasr aoth. 1884. BIIWBITB o'clock PR EASIEST and intrao lions hoa Udy chMjtof FCSfI! BY ADCTIOJJ, HWSMOIJDFOSWJ TTRB, FURNISHINGS, Mil OAS FITTDiQS, a WALRI-r PS AHOTOHTE.

4r Sa N.B.—Th» msjortty of Um mUCJm 1b la superior condition, and OB riew TUMUM. tho 29th. Md tl sale. Full particulars in bUU. SRIE OIBCBS.

Struct. Stwauiia. Til MAR KHT STREET SALEf Important of Thlsf-proof direct from the Thursday. January at One o'clock WBL EASTEN and CO. ISM raapectfolly to auonase tba wcoipt icatracticet to BY AUCTION.

30 Brat-dMS and highly-Saiahtd FIRE and THIEF-PROOF SATES. yoitabU far jeweUoiy, BUtfirm (40 yean) of safe isaaufactartn, Miwn Jacob CBtwrijfc and SOB. Kart Bremwlch. OB FLAW the 3Cih, and tEOTniag of itte. Cttalofaea la of preparation.

and MJ be had on or after Jansary 28tb, on application at Sate of Freehold Property. ROBERTSON and SONS, instructed by the Trustees of Messrs K. and D. M. Speacs.

Wl3 BKIX BY AUCTION, at the Dock Hotel. Amble, oo Monday, Feb. Utfc. at 3 30 p.M., all that FREEHOLD PROPERTY. consisting of large workshop, with shed below and assembly room over, and isrge yard, lately occupied by Messrs Spence; alio Seres Building Sites, with a frontage to Cburch Street, and Four Building Sites, with a frontage to Byron Street The frontage of each side is loft, with a depth of also Fire substantially Stone-built Houses, each containing Ms rooms, with yard sad For further particulars apply to the ACCTIOXXKRS, Hgrrowgaie Street; Mr GIBSO.N, Amble; or Mr MIDDLE MASS, Solicitor, Alnwick.

952 17IBKEB0LD ESTATES IN NORTHUMBSR- 1 of tb cm eelaaMe ESTATE 3 of uJ -'Barton Im" dtarte mv wiliaiMrtly be oflowd FOR SALE BY FUBUC AUCTION. GEORGE ARMSTRONG Aid SONS, SaJidtofJ St NichoUi Cham bow. Amu WowtasGc-apoa-Tyai. MR JOHN RIDDKLL ben to intonate that ha iVI ant WEEKLY KALE wffilM bdd ce the-2nd ISBI. at 1 o'clock, when ho wiDjnpoaa about FIFTY HORSES, COBS.

and POSIES, a BSBbK ol VEHICLES, together with a lam Sot of Harness ana Saddlery. Entries respectfully solicited. The Grove, Houghton le Spring. AETKUR T. CROW has been honoured IJJL with instructions from the F.seentors of the tats Joseph Cooke, Esq to SELL BY AUCTION, on Thursday, Jannwy 31st, and Jriday.

February Ist. IBM, apon Honahton le Spring, the whole of the valuable Ft RNfSHINCS of the above mansion, comprising the handsome fanritue the drawing room, breakfast and dinfng rooms, sli eweetl furnished bed rooms, servants' apartments, smoke room, Hons maids' apartments, and kitchens. nair of handsome Brown apartments. fcitcosns. A pais ol handsome Brown Carriage Howes, 6 and 6 year olds, 2 b.b perfectly docile, grand steppers and good match; I'aggonette for tingle or pair, Landau for single or pair.

Pony 'tan-ton; several sets of tingle and double tarntes, saddles, and stable reqnitiUa. Two S.H. Cows at profit, handsome Alderney Cow at reckon Stack of Oats. Straw, and Stamp of Old Land Hay. Poultry two garden char ft, metal roUer, cucumber frames, grindstone girdenutensils.Ac., Ac.

Sale to utensils. Sale to commence each day at tea o'cloek to a minata The hones and carriages, also stocks, will lie sold on Friday. Ist February, at or about 3 P.M. Sunderland, January 24tb, IEB4. Hirtoo Town Farm, South Shields and Tyne Docks.

MR ARTHUR T. CROW has been favoured with instructions from John Henderson, who is leaving the firm, to SELL BV AUCTION, on Monday. 4th February, ISB4. the valuable DRAUGHT HORSES, Ac. CaU- Lot 1.

Grey Mare, ruing yean, 16 2 b.b; by Pencote, Can; a Clydesdale Mare. Lot 2. Grey Mare, vising 6 years, 16 3 h.h.; by Empfiot. Lot 3. Brown Mare, rising 8 years.

16 2 h.h. Lot 4. Bay Horse, rising 6 years, 16 3 h.b.; by Pencote, dam a Clydesdale Mare. Lot 5. Grey Colt, rising 5 years, 16 3 h.h.; by Peccoie, dam a Clydesdale Mase.

Fat bullocks, heifers, and geld cows; 10 fat S.H. bullocks, 7 neat cutting fat heifers, three splendid fat geld cows. Implements of husbandry: Carts, bay rake, (frub barrows, corn bin; cart, shaft, and troco gears for four horses; end a well-won old land bay stack, about 36 tons. The sale to commence at 12 for 1 o'e'ock to a minute. Manor House.

Sunderland. Jan. lUb, 1384. On Friday, February of Household Fumitnre. 7 ROBERT MACK will BELL BY AUCXTX TION.

in his Sale Rooms. 73, Pilgrim Street, Newcastle, on Fridav, February Ist, at 11 o'clock. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, comprising a mahogany telescope d-ning table, with patent screw and spare leaf; black and gold chimney mirrors, drawing room suites in crimson rep and velvet, walnut sofa and work tables, conch in leather, oil paintings and fenders and Ore irons, 3 Ugbt chandelier, hall lamp, mahogany and painted drawers, oilcloths and Lnoleum, tewing machine, wash-tanus and dressing tables, 'dock, kitchen tables, dog kennel, folding chairs, kitchen utensils, Ac. At 12 consignment of japanned goods, Ac. At 1 o'deck fine table and window plants, 3 weighing beam and scale, weights, tin canisters.

Sc. At two o'clock mahogany pedestal ofhee table, four fold coloured cicture screen, and the principal articles of furniture MR ROBERT MACK in instructed to SELL BY AUCTION, In his Sale Rooms, No. 73. Pilgrim Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, on Tuesday, the 6th day of February, 1684, at three o'clock in ite afternoon, the MANSION and GROUNDS of Nether Heworth Hail, situated about one mile from the Felling and FeUiw Main Stations of the North-Kastern Railway Company. The Mansion contains very spacious entrance hall, three reception rooms, ten bed and dressing rooms, kitchens, attics, laundry, cellars, witti coach house and stabling, washhouse, and other outbuildings, and lodge of twe rooms at entrance.

A conservatory is in connection with hall, and a detached greenhouse in the gardens, which, with the ornamental grounds, are of considerable extent. Also, the TWO COTTAGES, Noa 40 and 41. adjoining tit* grounds. Also, the PASTURE FIELD, of 6 acred. 1 rood, 8 perches, or thereabouts, adjoining the grounds on the south, and sepa rated from them a sunk fence, as now occupied by Mr John The tenant will allow inspection of the premises between the honrs of 10 and 1 o'clock on Wednesdays and Saturdays, on production of a card to slew, which may be had on application to Messrs T.

Hcoi ry and SONS, John Street. Sunderland; cr to tfce'At CTTOXEEA, 73, Pilgrim Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. For further particulars apply to the above; or to Messrs FORSTEK. BROWN, and FORSTBR, Solicitors, 29, Grainger Street West. Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

520 Alnwick Sale of Freehold and Fully-licensed Property. MR RICHARD ARCHBOLD will offer for SALE BY AUCTION, on the premises, on Friday, the Ist February. 1334, at 2 p.M., the valuable FREEHOLD and FULLY-LICENSED PROPERTY, known as the "STAR HOTEL," situate in Fenkle Street, Alnwick, possessing all the requisite accommodation for a first-class family and commercial hotel and posting house. It contains commercial room, coffee room, large dining room, drawing room, bar parlour, nine first-class bed rooms. fiveCeervants' rooms, kitchens scullery, larder, cellars, and all necessary conveniences.

Attached are Largo and commodious yards replete with every accommodation, with stabling for upwards of thirty horses, lock-up coach houses, harness room, Ac A Billiard Room Is also in the yard, and behind the same is a large wille l-in garden, well stocked with choice fruit trees. The hotel, from its close proximity to the market, has for a cumber of years commanded a large and lucrative family and For farther particulars apply to the AtOTONEOt, Alnwick; to Mr H. BRETT, Solicitor, Morpeth. 716 Thursday's Groceries, Hardware, Ac. HENRY B.

ELEE WIN SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, in his Rooms. 80. Ellison Street, Gateshead, on Thursday, January 31 at 12 o'clock, 100 sides of superior bacon, 10 Cumberland sides, with bams 20 smoked sides of bacon, 83 hams. 10 cases of salmon (Blackball Brand), 10 cats of tea, 20 stone of coffee. 4 cwt of marmalade and jams, 30 boxes o' blue.

43 cast steel and shovels, 12 manure forks, 43 fire shovels, 6 dozen electro-plated tea spoons, 3 dozen spoons, 4 dozen table tubes and forks, 36 pairs of sciraors, 6 pairs of carvers, 8 hand saws, 6 garden trowels, 8 joiners' braces, 12 bread knives'and trenchers, and a quantity cf files, Ap. Ty'ne Sale Roamt. 33. ERUcn Street. Gateshead.

SALES BY AUCTION DAMSON AND SON, AT'CIIONEEBS AND VALL'Bits, ACADEMY or AFTT-s BLACKCTT ST.ttEr, NEWCASTLE-IT npHOMAS X)I wUl SELL BY -X AUCTION, within Tho" Auction Rooms, 6, Market Street, and 16, Hood street. Newcastle, on Friday, a large and valuable rolled ion of FURNITURE, numerous HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS, SURPLUS STOCKS of different kinds, Ac. Sale to ccmmcuce at 12 o'clock noon. 1142 HENRY B. SLEE IS instructed to OFFjSR FOR SALS BY PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Turk's Head Hotel.

Grey street, Newcastle on Tyne, on Moo lay, February 4th, 1334, at three o'clock precisely, the desirable SEMI-DETACHED TXfESSRS ANDERSON and SONS beg to announce tuxt their old-established and extensive Sale Rooms, 71. Pilgrim Street. Newcastle, are open daily for the reception of description of EFFECTS, which are disposed cf at their weekly fri lay's known as" Islington Villa. South," Low Fell, Gateshead, comprising, on ground floor, dining room, drawing room, breakfast room, entrance hall, kitchen, and back kitchen. The first floor contains four good bed rooms, w.c., bath roorajwitb three good attics above.

There are also suitable outhouses. The coachmat's boose luteins three rooms and a dairy, fitted with shelves, Ac. Behind, a two-stalled stable, lay loft, coachbouse, cow byre, and poultry-house. The grounds comprise about three acres in front and to the south of bouse, part ol width Is tastefully laid out as gardens and pleasure grounds, and the remainder is ha old gram land. The ground is held under a lease from the Earl of Ravensworth.

for term of 91 years from the Ist November, 1379, at the annual rent of A 64. The house stands in the Ravessworth VUlcy, having a southern 'and western expect. commanding a beautiful view of I. uveas worth Castle and Grounds, aad one of the most 01-aranl and charming outlooks in the dStrict. It close to the Low Fell Railway Station, and within three miles of Newcastle.

Thero Is a good.service of trains and trams further and cards to view, apply to It. S. fr- 4 1 Solicitor, Grainger Street, Newcastle; Messrs MATIiEJt, co*ckCROPT, and MATHER, Solicitors, Mosier Street; Messrs CLAYTON end GIBSON. Solicitors. Sandhill, Newcastle; M.

WINTER Chartered Accountant, 18. Market Street. Newcastle; R. GODDaRD, Esq. (Messrs Monkbouse.

Gcddard, and Chartered Accountants, St. Nicholas' Chambers, Newcastle; or to the AtcriOxEEa. Ellison Stioet, Gateshead. Th- Old Established Weekly Frilly Sale. Rosewood Cottage Pianoforte, Walnut Cottage Pianoforte Draperies.

Small Parcel of Electro plated Goods, 2 Copper Tea Urns, 2 lion Boilers, 2 Counters an Shelving, a Collection of rare and interesting Local and other Autographs, together with several Pieces of Furniture belonging a bankrupt estate. MESSRS WM. ANDERSON AND SONS WIN SELL BY AUCTION, within their Sale Rooms. 71, Pilgrim Street, en Friday. Feb Ist.


January of Superior Household Furnishings at 4, St. Thomas' luare. A TKIKSON and GARLAND are favoured with instrOctions font gentleman declining housekeeping to SELL FY AUCTION, us the whole of tile HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS, The principal items of which corupiue mahogany enclosed sidehoard, with plate glass back; mahogany secretary and bookcase, telescope (dining table, with two spare easy small chairs and sofa. In hair and leather; walnut drawing rv, ffl suits Sn Mae rep. elegant tarred walnnt chefSonier, with marble slab an.l back; walnut OTal tabic, work table, large chimney mirror, three fold pictorial screen, mihojany winged mahogany -list tables, brass halftrater bc-bteal and and other a nte clusts of ou other carpets, feat! er beds and bedding, fenders and hre-frons.

three and four-light chandeliers, Venetian blinds, oil paintincs and engravings, vases and other ornaments, wringing machine, dog kennel, lawn raower. gii h-n to ds, Unon, plat ware, glass, china, and other requisites of a well appointed household. Ou view diy prior to sale from 12 to 3 o'clock. at 11 ck to a minute. 10)7 The Nencast'e Spring of Plant uud Iducry, at 13).

Westcate Road. oud GARLAND arc instructed by T. Gillespie (of tho llrm of Bros and vrd 0U BY AUCT lON. on the premises ftSSS 1 Valuable Leas -hold Land, suitable lor manufacturing, engineering. or shipbuilding with riser frontage ami wharf, near Gateshead tn-lyne (opposite tba Mushroom boat landing etaze), for Hale.

MR JOSEPH WRAY is instructed to SELL r.Y PUBLIC AUCTION (under power of Sale), at the TuiL Head Hotel, Grey sftwt. Newcistle-on-Tyne, GU the day of January, 1884. at Three o'clock in the afternoon, all that PIECE or PARCEL of GROUND, with dwellingboose, tuudry bnildings, large abed, and frontage, with quay or whif, situate at Halt Meadows, near Gaieshead-onlyne. Together with the KNACKER'S YARD, adjoining on the cast side, anil now in the occupation of Mr Win. Loncstaff, as tenant thereof.

The length of riser frontage is 106 feet, with a depth of 23) feet. This is exclusive of the Knacker's Yard. AI-o. all that PIECE or PARCEL of adjoining the above. with sheds and erections thereon, known as the "Glass Works," situate between the Old Tar Works and Messrs Johnson and Cement Works, with a north and south frontage of about 130 feet, and a depth of 220 feet, together with a poitian of the ballast heap lying on tho east side of tho lot.

And also, all that PIECE or PARCEL of GROUND, with dwelling bouse and other erectioni thereon, known as the "Old Tar Works," together with the brick field adjoining on The two eont lining about four acres, more or less, and lying to the south of the pieces of ground firstly ancl secondly above de-nihe and separated therefrom by the road leading into Gateshead. The abort will offered in the ins tine in one audit not then add, will 1M diriitod Into low. AND MACHINERY, ladndin; a cosine and Boiler, with .1 n-um powerful drilling i.a.hiiw, n'dtiSfc sss a whole andDAOOKT. 3. Dean Street, New Detail, i.t cVdtlcsn.M.

which rill 2- ACCTIWUi. Street, February. cn-Tyne. sail Uexliam. Pale 133, Pilgrim Street.

Neweastl" lUsljpi" Ilio New el a auc Tons of A Ttrturcrtv i Atkinson and OAKLAND arc instructed bv T. lira of lirothera ana Co. eh rteieil iuv to SFI.I. BV At'CTIOX, at the lit)market. Newcastle, ca Friday.

iWruary hb. at twelve o'clock pre i-cly, aScut 20 TONS OF KTF.BI CAIiS, 4, which have tcmored for convenience of CoteloftU ready on Wcdna.lay, the ttli Fshi nart and mas "Motion to the at their i si. Filjjrlm Street. CJFKJUL HIGH-CLJUS JuuMmm R. DOJWm 80S, Aocilcatort, tuyMwi AUCTION MART, BBISIISLDSma Ths NEXT SALS of FAT CATTLE, SKSSF, PIGS, held OB MONDAY NKXT, at one o'clock.

I NICHOLSON aW lit BRAT. Anstteneen. i TORNgUIX. Aactleneer. Sooth Brewsre.

Innkeepers, tad ethers. JO. SMlTHUinatntctod br tba Mortgagees to BELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, it too Odtea Betel. King Sonth Shields, on Wsdoredav.Sth Fobreair. 1884.

at throe o'clock in the alterooon. the FREEHOLD and FOLLY-LICENSED INN, 6 6. Alhemwrta Street, Sooth known ROYAL ARMS," containing bur (with and jog dspartteest), ead MlUaid room on Mm groand floor; deb room end three dwelling on the Bret Boor; two above: eeeelSenl collarest, occcpjlng the whole am on the tosemaat, with yard, dtaate la elcrn prosirtity to the best bestaese parts of South it hte eoartoieal apewesabes. and tte g.SCT'Ty ens of the mdc streets the lows; but even la its state it men? tedncomsate to stesdy and man of badness leesareb cdeede Investment. For farther rserticolus spply to Messrs Jfl.

WILSON and C-RNSBY. 80, Saddler Street, the Arc- TIOSKZB. He. West Street. Gateshead or Mr JAMES EDWARD SMITH, Solicitor.

11, Camdra Street. North SALES BY PRIVATE BOILERS FOB SAUL CLAAEK, CHAP MAN, and hare la stock ud ta grass, VERTICAL BOILERS, (rem inetaeby" feet, up to 13 by feet inches also STEAM WINCHES STEAM STEERING GEARS, STEAM CRANKS, agdSTEAM PUMPS, surer Medal award) Exhibition, 1882. Bole tec tbe District of COCHBah's PaXBRT MULTITUBULAR VERTICAL BOILERS- 1 engines and steam tramway pound screw hauling, wlndlag. anJ englaes, and reuUSalting fans; marine and land boilers sf all kinds: chemical works plant-For prleg. apply to BLACK.

Haw and Gateshead on-Tjjm. Awwded higtort prize. British Section Parts Exhibition. IBS. for Irak tecoaottrea.

CMnM and tUt. Kawaaatlawa-Tnu toes cue receive It Gas Own- HC7 A LKALI and BLEACH CURRENT-COINO WORKS, with A all modem la machinery, FOR SALE la the North of "W.A.," "Daily Office, Newcastle-on-Tyae. YOCXO LADIES' BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL TO BE DISPOSED OK, ta an opaa and healthy litaatiom in Newcastle Ks tab lit hod 30 jean -For parikalaie apply to B. House and Estate Offices, 10, New Bridge Street. Newcastle.

FUR BRICK AND SANITARY PIPE BALR, Leasehold PrwnlfM Inscsre as Clay Ostosftaad-on Tyne, as a concern, with tbo Erections, Machinery, and Plant; (or the raaaoiactsra of fire white preraed bricks, gu retorts, aanitaryjaiiws. chemical Ac The bare a quay frontage of feet oa the.Tjne, midway between the High Leeel and Kedhengb Bridges, where can load goods direct from the kilsa-Further particolara from O. H. SSOWBAU- at the Works. 638 mo RE SOLD TENDER, all that Leasehold Property, situate at New Gateshead, the whole covering an area of square yards or thereabouts, at an annual ground rent of fifty pounds; forty years of the lease to ran.

The property consists of a Goal Depot, containing ten eels, stables, timber shed, offices, weighing machine, joiners' shop, sawmill, engine, mot tar mill, saw bench, and dwelling-houses to be addressed to R. TODD, 1. Elwia Terrace, Sunderland, not later than the 31st inst. 1325 FfTU BE LET. Warehouses near Quayside.

Keats from £6. JL Apply at No. 107, Northumberland street. 3-3 TV BE LSI. Ka 9.

Front Street, containing 10 rooms and offices; rent vsry moderate; possession February to 7, Front Street 1218 mo BE LET. the "Cumberland Arms fna," Mil! Dam Land- ing. South Shields; Erst-class situation for Apply at Sandy ford Brewery, Newcastle. 1034 TO BE LET. with possession on February 14th.

the Milestone Inn, Low Law with Blacksmith's Shop to FLEWS and SON. Darlington. FLVO BE LET, Villa," semi-detached, containing J. sercn rooms, wash house, and garden, close to Birtley Station; rent at Mts HaKBOtTLE's. 1002 CORBRIDGE LET, No 2.

Dunkirk Terrace, 10 rooms, garden, commanding one of the finest views in the neighbourhood Immediate E. SISTEOSOJt. 26. Side. Newcartle-oe Tyae- 1238 BE LET.

First-class Business ITrssix-s in Fawcett Street, Sunderland, together with on established Temperance Hotel (furnished), adjacent to the Central Station GEO. COOKE. 3. Milltield Gateshead. PLEASANT COUNTRY HOUSE TO BE Villa," close to Forest Hall Station, and eight walk from Benton Station, containing eight rooms; gardens front and back; commands fine views; rent to Pavtsoy and -Soi, Auctioneers.

Newcastle. 1110 NEWTON'S SADDLERY and HARNESS MAN UFACTORY 26, Grainger Street, NewcasUe-on-Tyue. Established upwards of 60 years Farmers, Celliery Owners, Contractors, Brewers, description of Cart, Farm, and Colliery Harness "applied on the shortest notice. Complete sets of the above In stock. Practical men sent out to measure and St.

Estimates given for Agricultural and Light Harness. Secondhand Saddlery bought and sold. Telephone communication. TO HORSE DEALERS, JOB MASTERS, and others requiring Yard and Stable consequence oS the death of the late Mr Joseph co*ckburn, his Executors are TO LET all those valuable Premises lately in his occupation, containing a very large yard, stabling, with 35 stalls and 12 loose boxes; large harness room, hay loft, office, and other conveniences; with a smith's shop attached, aU in Crow Nest Lane, Percy Street, KewcasUe-npaa Tyne, lately in the occupation of Mr co*ckbune, who for many years carried on a successful business therein. A Dwelling house in Percy Street, also lately la his occupation.

The tools, fixtures, and stock in the smith's shop to be taken at a valuation Possession can be had at once if required Proposals for the taking of the whole to be seat to Messrs JOEL, 31ILVAIN. and PARSONS, 1, Newgate Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Solicitors to the Executors, not later than the 31st inst FARMS TO BE LEI LRT, and entered upon at Lady Day next, the oodbouse Fans," Shi! bottle, about 2 miles from Billon J-action and Warkwortb station, on the N.E.R., now in the Derogation of Mr 505 acres, of which 2SI are in grass and the remainder arable plan and further particulars, apply to Sir TOMUNSO.X, Estates Office, Fl3O BE LET, with entry at May-day next, Eadngton Lea JL Farm," in the parish of Easlngtoe, three miles from South Helton and Seaham Stations, containing 103 acres or thereabouts, of which 20 acres are grass. Sir James Gibson, the tenant, will "bow the boundaries, and further particulars may be bad of THOMAS ATKINSON, Land Agent, Hexham, who will receive offers until January 31st. 619 mo BE LET, with entry May-Day next, Lou Hr-ining Farm," in the parish of Houghton le-lipring, and only four miles from Sunderland, containing ISO acres or thereabouts of arable and pasture land, as now In the occupation of Mr William Taylor. This is a most desirable dairy particulars may be had on application to Mr THOMAS ATKINSON, Lanl Agent, Hexham, by whom offers will be received op to February 11th.

1046 FltO EE LET, with entry at May-day next," Hessldon Town Weal Farm," as at present occupied by the South Hetton Coal Company, containing 210-3 acres or thereabouts, of which upwards of 80 acres are grass, situated in the pariah of Daltonle-Daie. and county of Durham. Mr Tate, the sub-tenant, will show the boundaries, and further particulars may be bad oa application to THOMAS "ATKINSON. Land Agent, Hexham, by whom offers will bo received until January 29th. 347 FARM-TO BE LET.

from May 12th, 1334, situated In the Chapelry of Chevington, and near to the Acklingtooan-lChcvington stations on tbeiNorth- Eastern Railway, containing 530 acres, of which about 86 acres are in very valuable old grass. The dwelling-house and buildings are excellent James Earasfasw, Chevington Wood. Acklington, will oiv application show the farm with a plan and conditions of letting, an I offers will be received by Mr Gnzr, MilSeld. Woolvr, until the Ist January Ist, 1834. 183 mo BE LET, upon such as to entry as may be agreed opon.

the farmsof Mouldshaugh," part of "Town head," and East and West Beatley," situate in the parish of Felton. in the county of Northumberland, containing 2a3 acres, of which 97 acres are permanent pasture and 160 acres are arable land. Mr Snaitb of Felton will show the farais: and further particulars may be bad on application to Messrs R. and W. GIBSON, Solicitors, Hexham, who will receive proposals in writinz up to and on the 2nd February, 4g7 mo BE LET.

and entered to at May, 1834, the Farm of Glororum," in the parish of Bamburgb and county of Northumberland, containing 433 acres, of which 54 acres are in permanent pasture. John Kirkup of MdLs, Itelford, will show the farm, and written offers may be sent to Sir Jons TATE ol Barnbill, Acklington. IC9B TO BE LET, and entered to at May. 1531. the iarm of "Shipley SmaUburns," in the of Eglingbam and county of Northumberland, containing 296 acres, of which 184 are in old grass.

The present tenant Mr Frank Dawson is not an offerer and will, oa being applied to, show a plan and terrier of the offers may bo sent to Sir Jonx TATE of flftO IBS I.KT. and entered to at May next, fans of Coitaly Mill," in toe ooiiah of VlilttiQghtim, and county of Northumberland, containing 211 acres or thereabouts, the whole of whloh is in Thomas Ruse an of will show the farm, and written offers may be seat to Mr JOHN TATE. BatnhtH, Ackllngton. UJI fTTO BE LET. and entered to at the ensuing May term, the J.

farm of YctHngton lAoe," in the parish of UTuttinciiam and county of Northumberland, containing 425 acres, of which 826 acres are in permanent pastute, and the landlord is prepared to Bud seed, for laying down an additional area of 56 acres. A new farm house and steading (the threshing machine driven by water power), recently been erected on this farm, and the place Is well known for tbo soundness of its sheep ihsmns Kurgan of Callaly will show the farm, and written offers may be sent to Mr JOHN TATE of Bapihili, Acklington. "TVTORTHUM 11 LET, with entry at I2tb May nest, Willingtoo West Farm." In tho parish of "Vailsend, and within a short distance from How.lon au Wallsend Stations, on the Newcastle and Tynernouth line of railway. The farm contains, per Ordnance Surrey, acres or thereabouts, and from its situation well adapted for a dairy farm. Upon application, Mr Turner, the present tenant, will point out the farm and give any particulars: and further information may he had from Mr BULAM, Land Ageut, Lerwick-on-Tweed, who will receive offers for the 20th WM.

1215 EAST H.EKKBITRN. BEDLINGTO.V.-TO BE LET. Uetri'unY' tho now tbe occupation EAST FARM." containing 144 acres or of which upwards of 70 acres are in grass. "BROCK I.4NE FARM," containing 135 acres or thereabouts. of which 63 acres are in grass.

These farms are conveniently situate in the ponufous district Bediington, where dairy produce is in contiunal plan, showing the division of the forms, be and further information obtained by application to HH'Jlorn BEI.L, Land Agent end Surveyor, 40, Collingwood Street, Newcastle, who will receive for the abave. The highest or any offer not neecssarily accepted. 3918 WANTED. KOTICK TO A VP.RTISBRS.—A parlieula at to' adcertiteinents which tay" apply at the Daily Journal" can he ct'aiiud at the Puhlithtny Oftctt, A'cvcattle, er our Brand at GuttSitad, Sooth S.itldt, and Sun- Mo Kara, Lonrfmulington bo sola by Ancli (uii t. dir.xteil to Sheriff oS TVlft JOSEPH REAY is instructed to SELL i 'mStSSSS i TCHE.

3 Drourtl KnS JB. PAttl-Va llcr.iHei 16. WcwpUoStreet. IQJ3 3 2 i Bn 212 Mule CO 31 ul ANTKH. I.r the Rnjal particulars

t-we CO ti 11, ilogjjs, 6 to jor SWRNV, fteciuiting Depot, Sunderland 53 Tern 1 ISTANTCD, a aninbcr ol Hr.ii.or Aj-ply Jwsi worp.v ti, WIIIXLI.NO, Krauois Bene Farm, U2J JOUBNAL, TUESDAY, JANUARY 80. ffflS KOVKT MARKET. (ri KM -r i Yin tbm MrttfMalm tafcnMStprent, moth ioqohY for monsj, tbs dotMKd Stosh XschuifO lSfht, ud dw loon bsrs boon toi fortoigto etterod At The mm el £21,000 la fold (or lbs Coattewt has bsec withdrawn Iron the Bank to-day. The Frbla, litun York, has arrived with to Silver baa bm flat; ban an quoted at per and Mexican dollars tefd par ex. It la ofMally aawowooert tbat the dividend of tba Lancashire and Ycetsbtre Railway Oomnauy for the hali-vwr will be attbaratael percent per annum, with £19,003 eanlsd fore ward.

At the comeucndlag period ot the dividend waa per cent, with forward. The settlement of the account la the Stock Mastets has teak to day, aad baa attention other barl cue; bat no festers of bee, ao far, been developed. There are se fallaree, nor are any expected, operator! harlac curtailed their aa far ea poaalbla, and to several to- stances changed their and hears ef stock. It waa thought that this weeM hare been mere strikingly thews In the re-teced eawnty; but although rateeharebeen generally light, the (be stock has net beea eo remarkable a featere. Some of the Home Railways have certainly been esaree, and notably Midland; tat this wee rather the exception.

Tbs tendency of this warket has been rat all day, on iuervadag whether the-beery" will equal rooeatexpectation. That of the Laaeaehlre aad Yorkshire Company was announced this afternoon, at the rate of II per centner annua: tat this li 4 per cent tan than (hat of last year. The prist of the stock, however, war not tqwH, tat an the contrary, baa improved, ae a lower tela was expected. Brighton Emferred Stock baa been steady, rentes Saeuttfce bare been characterised bjMandtaeM all day, the Imaee of tba Paris Boa tee to support them, and Barretter. israes bar 8 taken the land in the Improvement.

HpenMt FWif per Cent hu also bene flm on buying for the Continent, said be to eesaacthm with the absorption of stock to Spate, the bring that the Spaniards ate meeting en artificial market so ae to gtrs aa appearance stability. Amertraa SseuUta have beea firm on the iaprorement reported from New York beta os Saturday and at morning 1 opening: the rates of conttetsaUon en these securities are tight the stocks embraced in what Is considered the last-clem bring readily owr" to about 2j Mot, whUehigher rates than this hare btee charged on the inferior descriptions. Grand Trunk of Chaade Railway Stocks, although commandite a backwardation, amoootiag to no lot teas to 1 on the Fint Preference, hare beea flat, on froth speculative selling, based noon the adverse repents about traffic that been current lately. Mexican Railway Stocks have been flat, aad the Ordinary shows as Important fall on tbs state of the socenat, there being at the done a slight eontoteo Telegraphs bars been dull and rather tower. Haez Canal Shares have been steady, aad close at 79) 80.

The EngHeb Stock Market has boon weak at a fractional decline of 118 nor Consols for Money have, however, closed steady at lfilil; tat for the Aecauat have toftoff lower at 101 and Reduced Three per Orate, Mew Two aad a Half per Cento. 60) Exchequer Bills tMwcb) bare been deue at lis prem do. (Jans), U'to to India Fear per Cent Stock. IBS) da. ftree and a BtHsn Cent Stock Market baa been fern tferoeghrait the day, on tta roUUcal news being regarded as aMlstoetoty.

Egyptian Called Bonds have risen 4. dc. frofgaacg, do. Dalra banish. do.

State Donate Loan, French Four aad a Hsti per Cents. Hungarian Four per Onto, ijllaliea (1881). Peruvian nee per Cento, do. Six per Venezuela (1881) bare declined 1 American Railroad Securities have been flia at a substantial rise to response to Ute tatter feeling prevailing at New York on Saturday. Chicago, Milwaukee, ana Paul Common Stock advanced 1J; Cepiral Padtte.

Erie, do. Preference, do. Second Mortgage 81x per Bonds, Illinois Central Shares, Like store Shares, 1); Louisville aad Hasbrills. do. Oeteral Mortgage Mtetourf.

Kansas, aad Texas, hew York Central Shares, S) Northern Pndfle Common Stock, do. Preference, 2); do. Ptaat Mortgage Bonds. 1: Mow York, Ontario, and Wezterw, Oregon and California Preference, dfl. Six pec Cent Mortgage Bonds.

24: Dante, £, Philadelphia and Reading. do. Deferred, 1: St. Louts aad San Francisco Preference Stock, Wabash Ordinary, 4: do. Preference, do Ma per Cent General Mortgage Boads, Norfolk and Western Bonds, Mew York, Pennsylvania, snd Ohio First Mortgage Bonds, Very litUs fresh tarinets has been dose tn Home Railway Stocks, dealers bring chiefly engrossed with the arrangement of tho account, in connection with which the rates of continuation have ruled Sight Prices, with some few exception.

have experienced a general decline. Sheffield Deferred has closed especially flat, aa a fall of 14 per cent; North British. Great Western and North Eastern, each London and North-Western, Caledonians, aad South Eastern Deferred, each 4: oa the other hand. Lancashire and Yorkshire has ad ranced 1, oa the closing of some bear" accounts tad oa the dividend statement; Metropolitan District rose Brighton Deferred. Metropolitan.

Midland, and North Staffordshire, each 4. Indian Railways have bees steady, while Canadian have shown increased depression. Great Western of Canada Ordinary fell Grand Trunk Ordinary, I do. First do Second, Third, 4 Foreign Railways have been weak. Buenos Aytes Great Southern Ordinary Stock rose San Paulo and liio Janeiro six perCent Obligations, tat Mexican Ordinary Stock fell If; do.

Pint Preference. 1: do. Second, North-western of Moate Video Seven per Cent Obligations, 1. A further downward movement has occurred In Bank Shares, tffont Kong and Shanghai declined 1); Bank of New Zealand. Bank of South Australia, National Provincial of England, £l2 paid, Oriental, Standard of South Africa, tat Imperial Ottoman have advanced 4 Telegraph have again been An-10-Amsricafi Ordinary stock fell do.

Deferred, Brazilian Submarine, Globe Preference. United Telephone, J. Miscellaneous Shares have sh wn a dull tendency. Borough of Timaru (N -Seven per Ceet Debentures have risen 1: but Central Sugar Factories of Brazil Preference Shares feU Hudson's Bay, lowa Land, National Discount Company, J. General Steam Navigation.

London Steamboat, Liverpool Tramways, Marine Insurance, Guardian Fire aad Life Insurance, I. Mining shares been Inactive. St. John del Rey fell United Mexican, Panulcillo Copper, and Great Laxey. 4.

CLOSING PRICES AFTER OFFICIAL HOURS Higher. Lows? lOll 1014 lOl7-16 JIM £l6 KB Da for Account. New sad Reduced 3 102 New 24 per Cent. 903 East London 81 23 101J 1024 Great Eastern 60 joej loss 141 1411 U3l im OmtweMem Lancashire and Yorkshire. MX uu 117 119 in MviSM.

a-wrcaw, A VotrKO PBBBOM cr febgct A. Boca nod 8.," are Mbs i gjff.iO.BlthStroot.Bsrirteb. pair of henas; references re. Allooop, Blind burn, oa-tyno. WKOCBE WANTED.

to the country. fer Fehrary TWa" mint twb sitting mow three bad with moderate Boi 36." Pifly Journal Office. 1 I'ANDOJns (widow of t. I'Anson, for Goventessse and 73, WANTED, near Newcastle, good Family Hoots, large tardea, aUbla, toreatgn leaac "Box 3V" Daily Journal" Office. Newcastle.

1183 Tula, Mate or Female, and Harriots i be ratted dally by applying to Mia WANTKD, immediately, aa Assistant Btoreotypsr; moat be well up to newipeyer Addraas, The Daily Journal Office, HewcanMn ea Tyan, fTfTELL-EDtJCATBD TG If by the Northern head writing, the Secretary, Tyne. aa an Apprentice, in own rent, Neweastlnon-1071 One or Two ThMsand Acres of Good Shooting, within 26 mttae ef Newctotta, by read or to P. 8.," gaHy Jaaanl" Ofitoe. 1317 nr ANTED, to rent. Premtasn suitabls la a ladies' School, within 20 mikes of wcaatie.

Addreaa, girisg partiealars, to Bos 31," Daily Journal" Office, Newcastta-on- Tjne. TXT ANTED, a Haad Uoreckreper for a CoUiery fa the caaaty of Durham. Nous but experienced aad steady men Bead apply. by letter, with references, to "Bos 8' "Daily Journal" Office, NtwcaMtoha-Tyaa. HQS fjno ARCHITECTS -A Newcastle Genttemaa, aged 8, who has bad ten years' expsrisnce Is the architectural fire yean of which baa been obtained in wsil-knows London oicsi, desires an Engagement in Newcastle, or to he put is communication with an Architect whs desires Partwrr.

Address, F. 8.." 80, TressUllan Road. St. John'e, Lcudoa, aE. CITY LUNATIC ASYLUM, NBWCABTLEON-TYNR.

WANTED a Nurse; age not to exceed SS, wages to commeaee at tbe rate £l6 per ana am, aad rising undo 1 certain regulations to £26 per annum, with beard and lodgings and tha Asylum personally to the clerk of too Aaytorn. between 10 a.n. and 4 r.i. 1109 CJUI'BRIOr, Serrants WANTKD Ladles' Maids, Upper kT Hares. Upper Hcuttanlda, Narses.

Under Narsee, trader Housemaids, Cooks. Kltobsnmal lis, Jaandryaaaidc, Gsoeral Sersaahg Under Oaidsaer Arbxuou'S Ragtatre, 9. Kldlej Plans, Nortbumbertaiid Street, Newcastle (late Biackett Street! 114 three ranertabie'men. with a good! coenertioa "among Conasrsatlree." for tbe rata of New Book, smutted a History of: tbe Kire and Dtrelopmrnt of the British Constitution," by A. C.

Ewaid. F.B. A Suitable men will recetee hberel Unis Apply with references to 74. Clayton street. Nawaatta.

1127 SURVEYOR WANTED Officer is ran aired by the Bedllugtonebirs Lootl Board to undertake tbe duties of f-urreyor, Surreyor of Highways, laspcctor of Naisances, Manager of Waterworks, aad Superintendent of the Few Hospital. The person appointed will be required to eater into a bond with two sureties in the penal ram of £3OO for the due prrformaace of bis dutiee and to account for all moneys entrusted to him. Healed applications, stating salary required, aad marked Application for the office of Sorreyoi," must bo eent to the undersigned on or before tbe 12th proximo order, CiIaBLCS D. Forcteb, Office, St. John's Street, Newcastie-on Tyna.

1028 EDUOATION AND CLERICAL. Boys' School, to the Head Matter. Imme ilately, a Temporary Assistant in a Mixed 7 7 School stating terms, in addition to board and lodgings, Master. Haseli igg School, Belford. 990 LSTANTKD.

for All SalnU' Schools, Neweastle-on Tyoe, a I 7 Female Ks P.T W. Ratner, 12, Oxford Street, WANTED. Situation aa Daily Governess to young children. English, Music, French, and rudiments of latin and German Daily Journal 1073 riGRtCT, or SOLE CHARGE, WANTKD: experienced in SLV Mission and School work: etews, Liberal Address, stating particulars, to "Sox 53," "Daily Joureal" Office. 123S ia a Boarding and Day School, fj a Lady, age above 14, to assist in teaching Junior Pupils, aad pay a premium of 18 guineas per annum.

She will receive ia return Board, Lessons in English. Drawing, French, Music, asd Box IV Daily Journal" Office. 1228 INSTRUCTION. -The Scientific Drees Cutting Association instruct ladies until perfect No previa us knowledge feceswary. 150 ladies have learnt in this district Descriptive pamphlet free to any Grainger Street, Newcastle; 5, Alice Street, Suuderiaad; 30, Link ill Terrace, North Shields; and 6, Argyle Terrace, Westoe, Booth Shields.

Cj UNDER LAND ORPHAN ASYLUM -WANTED; an Ex Pupil Teacher as Assistant Master in the above institution. Dutire will fcclnde the general oupendsion of the (about 60 in number) both in and out of school. Board and lodgings provided ia the Institution; salary. £25 per nanam Applications, accompanied by copies of testimoaUU, to be forwarded, on or bofore the IStfe February next, to Feed. J.

McKexzie, 16. John Stmt. Sunderland SALE, Fire and Burglar ITI Resisting Safes, Deed aad Chsh Boxes at their Wholesale Depot, Roumox and Go's, Wholesale Stationers, Accoust Book MaauActoure, Uthogtaphic Priatotu, 64 to to, ads. Newcastle. Ihice Ueta and drawings ee andicatira.

to? COMMERCIAL NEWS KSWCABTU EX CHANGS, QCATSSDI, MONDAY. Messrs Angler Srcttes, London, la their freight repast the 26th give something like a true ring to the tone which is now being generally accepted by the shipping community at large with regard to the President of the Board of Trade's speechifying on shipping. They say: "The latest utterances of the President the (Board of Trade hare somewhat mitigated the doom he previously foreshadowed for the shipping community, although his determination to bring us under the 'Employers' Liability and the general tone of bis last speeches itiil show lamentable want of practical knowledge this great end important trade, and are alwaya too much of the character cf sensational addresses to the electors of the country. Tke sole eScci of bis action hitherto has been to vilify Urge an i respectable class of the community before the public, and there ts every reason believe that the projected legislation will most seriously handicap British shipping in favour of their foreign competitors. At the came time, ws suit hope that in our Legislature reason will defeat prejudice, and sensational addresses fall flat instead of earning popularity." To Individual shareholders in steam shipping, who an now to be found in all parts of ths kingdom, not only on the seaboard but inland, these remarks should be noted and remembered.

Sleeping'shareholders ars parhaps the largest owners In the aggregate, and if they allow their valuable property to be harassed by unnecessary legislation they themselves will be to blame. Managing owners are few compared with the general body of snare, holders. In certain towns In Yorkshire alone such a meeting eould be held and resolutions pawed as might astonish these meddlers and muddlers" of trade. During East year from Odessa there were exported of grain and seed chetverta. Stocks granary at the end of the year were 1,813,700 chetverts.

These, put alongside of ISS2, the figures for which year are 1,523,180, The Glasgow freight market for last week is reported by James Gardiner and Co. to be in the tame stagnant state, and there are scarcely any worth quoting. The fixtures over the week comprise 30,000 tons Bilbao to Glasgow, stated to be at 6s 3d; several prompt steamers, Cs 3d and Gs 41d; Buelva to lio ness, 7s; Seville to Bristol Channel, 7s; other ports, 7s 9J; Oran to Canton, esparto; Carthagena to Glasgow. 6s 9d; Glasgow to Alexandria, 12s 3d; to Lisbon, 5s 9J; to Bordeaux, Barrow to Brake, pig Sroo, 6s Gd; Middlesbrough to Stettin, several cargoes at 5s 3d for summer loading. The importation of coals at Genoa for ISS3 shows an create on the two preceding years.

Last year that port took 869.093 tons; 1882, 717.381 tons; 1681, 617,798 tons. For 1883 the following table is mafic From Newcastle an! Hartlepool 399.837 From Cardiff 400,081 From Liverpool 63.617 19.473 6.022 Total 859.095 It is somewhat of a novelty to see France a a coalexporting country. Of the 22 Italian steamers which have been partially engaged in the carrying trade, 2 have eomo to this district, 16 to Cardiff, and 4 to Scotland and Hull. Of sailing have carried coals there 133 were Italians. To the Tync.

8 sre down; Cardiff, S3; Scotland and Hull, 13; Liverpool, France, 20. in the carrying trade numbered 415. As a sign of the times it may be mentioned that a brand new steamer, built in the district, and which cost £21,000, can be to day purchased for £17,000. Local chemical makers are holding firmly to their prices. Crystals sad ash were well inquired after this morning.

Bleaching powder was iu such goad demand that higher fixtures may have to bo reported shortly. In chartering to-day again very little has been dons. Boats as they arrive are continually being laid up, Saturday night's gale has done much damage to shipping. The Scandinavian trading boats, with a single eseeptioD.are late. That which has arrived has bad the mate washed overboard at aea and loat A local boat got into port safely, but both moats, when at sea, "went by the board." Mora aeriotta casualties may have to bs reported shortly.

The to-day comprise a couple of steamers done for Cronatadt, at 5s per ton-for voyages. Whether this is a good or an indifferent start interested parties will be the test judges. To-day's list is as follows: Outward steamers: Aberdeen, 4i; Bordeaux, from the Wear, 5s fid; Kiel, from the Wear, Gd; Almeris, co*ke, £7 10s; Genoa, 500 tons delivery, Bilbao, co*ke, 7s Gd; Cronstadt, two boats, voyages, 5s per ton. Homewards: Kotka to Antwerp, deals, 49fcs. Helsingfort to Antwerp, Porraan to Fleetwood, 7s 3d; Bombay to United Kingdom, 23s 9d; Rice 41s 3d; Huelva to Tyne, 6s; Odessa, March, ISs 9d, with Is 3d reduction for direct; again, big boat, prompt, to Rotterdam, 15s; again, small, February, 16a3d, less ifd; again to Cork, 14a or Bordeaux, New Orleans to United Kingdom or Continent, 37s Gd, 1.0.

and a In yesterday list of fixtures. Cuba to States should have read 3 dollars, not SJ; and Now York to Liverpool, 3'lo, not 13'IC. Sailing vessels: Horteo, 10s; Java. 23s Gd per ton. The following will show the coal and co*ke shipments at Tyne Dock for tho past For week ending Jan.

83,904 Foi 111? corresponding week last yoar 103,837 Decrease 19,933 This decrease is greatly, if not wholly, due. to the reccut heavy weather. The imports for the week included one steamer witli pulp and props, cne with iron ore, one with copper ore, one with esparto, one with props and iron, and one sailing vessel with ore. The outwards were the Kowdon with full cargo, and several ethers with part cargoes of general goods. stocks during the week were heavier than tie preceding week, grain stocks were lighter.

Timber and pious remained much about the same. A Cardiff says that the steam coal trade remains practically unchanged; house coals easier. I'itwood Is per ton less, current prices being 19s to 19s Cd per too. In the chartering market a fair amount of business has been done. -There is no improvement in rates' for the northern French and coasting ports, which are still quoted at rsry low figures.

For the Indies freights still rule low. Tbo charters are reported from cameis: Coals, C.i'dili to Palermo. IPs Oil; Palermo, option M.iuh'S, lie; Odessa, "10i 3d (clean terms); Conatantiuaple, Pi it Said, 131; Newport to Bilbao 6. s.l CbfcUtUfi A Do. wr Cost Pref.

ami Load on Soalltt-WnUra. Tllhnrw. fclwt 119 lots 105 i 105 sa toei IMJ 129 130 Loo Jott, TUbury, wid 161 163 79 H) i DO. TttL 121 122 Do. Dalsnsd SSI 3oi 1J IIFJ i Da District 691 60 Midland 1321 1321 4 -SSi I Msrth 1031 IC3S Berth l-i i 123 12S CORN MARKETS.

GLASGOW. Jan. 28. Market moderately well Wheat and flour steady at Wednesday's prices, the business doing limited. Barley in fair demand at 6J per qr advance.

Oats and betes without chance in value. Maize in fair request at lid per cSOIbs for mixed American. WD ARLINGTON, Jan. 28 was a of wheat, which was taken up pretty freely at the fall rates of last work. Foreign wheat In fair demand, and prices were well maintained.

Best red farmers' wheat made 10s 3d to lis 3d; white Us 3d to 12s 3d; inferior red, 9s 6d to 8s 9d per boll of two bushels. There was a good show of barley, which wsa Arm for malting sorts; Inferior kinds weak. Malting sorts made 8s to 8s Cd; grinding 7s to 7s Gd per boll. Oats steady and In fair demand. Long oats, 6s 9d to 6s Gd; and abort 7s to Be pet boll.

Maize not quite so strong in price, and sold at 29s to 30s per qr. Beans, to 10s Gd per boll. Peas unchanged. LONDON, Jan. trade for wheat at this morning's market is again disappointing to Fine qualities of white wheat are held tor an adrance, but buvers do not respond.

Flour is rery quiet at former currenciA. Old mixed American maize is held for 26s 6U tx ship: new crop. 21s 61; round maize is about the samo in ralue as on Monday last. Barleys are steady, but there is rtry liltlo demon Malt is Without appreciable change, but fined samples are more inquired for. are dull, and Inferior descriptions rather weaker.

Beans sre tending downward. Peas unchanged. Unseed it gniet but steady at lost Monday's prices BRITISH GRAIN. Ptr. Interna Qt autre.

Floor, per 28clb, London nominal top price 40 Townmade whites si Country Do. Norfolk and other seconds Old Oats. Scotch English liUh(Blsek) Tares, soring Tick English Mszagaa Teas, msplo White per493lb A A Barley, a No. 1. red winter Persian (lOOlh) to 20 No 2 do.

40 to 42 Black Sea Amer. A Can. spring 40 Algerian do. A met. A Can.

white French 23 33 Califoin. 40 Swed. A Dan. (4481b) Australian 45 New Zealand do. New Zealand 23 42 long berry 40 41 Bombay 80 Swedish (3941b) 13 Dantzic A Konigs.

.40 48 Do 132011.) 21 22 St. Petersburg and Russian 18 Saxopska S3 43 Do. J3201b) 13 23 Ghtrkas 81-36 Canadian (3041b) Persian £9-36 New Zealand(32oto Kabanka 81 35 Azlma 34 39 Flonv, per per 4301b Araer. A Qui. tacki.

IT SO Keroocti Patents 32 41 KCTPUm Ex. Stale 1961b. 14 28 New Zealani Maw Zealand 83 Peas, per 5041b; Odessa 83 Canadian 33 German 80 32 New Zealand Hungarian 84 BaStic. California AOreron iaize, pet 480 ib- MueJ American 21 Isolds Moderate supplies and colder weather rather influence and improve demand. English wheat remains unaltered in quotations.

lint is looked after. Foreign wheat threepence dearer. Flour slow of sale at quotations. Mailing barley stead; in price; feeding baric; unaltered: demand small. Oats unchanged; Swedish neglected.

Maizethreepeneecheaper from a week ago, but dearer from Friday. Deans easier Peas unaltered. Opinion stronger generally for English wheat and other CATTLE MARKETS. LONDON. Jan.

cattle trade to day again lacks activity. A slightly firmer tone is apparent, the result of colder weather and short senplies; but there was still an absorco of animation. The total deliveries of English beasts, as well as those from Scotland and Ireland were short, but ware quite sufficient, butlness progressing quietly at late The best Scots and crosles made 10J to 6s per Slbs. Wirolgn beasts were not plentiful, a liberal supply Is, however, reported at Deptford.fand that causes the demand to lag. Prices are about the same.

Sheep weie very short. The tone of the market was somev.h it better, although business was still quiet. Prime small, 8d; store Downs made 6s 10J to 7s per 811 good heavy slieep were selling at Gj per Calves and pigs were quiet, but steady. Per 61b sinking the oSal. s.

d. a. d. 4 a. d.

CiarssAlnf. beasts 4 oto4 6 Prims Southdown 6 10to7 0 Secon I lustily, do, 4 6 6 large coarse calves 0 6 4 Prime targo osealr6 8 6 8 Prime small do 6 6 610 Prime Scots, 610 6 Large bogs 3 8 4 0 Coarse A inf. sheep 6 0 6 8 Neat email porkers 4 0 4 8 Second quality, do. 6 6 6 0 Lamb 0 0 0 0 Prime coarse wool 6 4 0 6 Bend of cattle on sale to-day. English supplies.

I Foreign supplies Battels 2.e60 I Bejvta Sheep 6,600 Sheep and lambs. 80 4C I Calves in Pin 201 Mik-h I MUch Cows DEPTfORD. JUL of boaste. end Matw ntso. KUIot wi start, ovliu lo rtormi AtMrieMt, ntd, to Mi to Ss Dakh, So 2.1* SIMM: Mwioo, 10d to bslfbwh, to til to 8d SUM Um oBIL qaoUd.

STOCK AUCTION HARTS, BRNFIELDBIDB, Jto. to-day (Monday) when Nicholson and sold £1 fat cattl. aad to fat sheen. was nlittto cattle realiaad te to Mb 3d per Mom. and sheep 94 to 1M per lb.

RMTOW. Jm. Mr 8.0, rata today there sold 28 fat cattle, 3 Milk com, 336 fat sheep 16C store fat pigs, 6 young pins, and 154 skxnv. A full attendaaca of buyers. Fat about recesst prices.

Fat sheep a sharper trada at aeaey. Store hegM slow trade. AU aold aa cattle. £lB iOi to £2B Be; young sheep. ttstoTthOd; ewes, 48a to 8d; to 71s; milk cows, 2a to AM 6a: fat pigs, A3 to £7 Bo: yooag to Ma; and skiaa, to 3d.

KELHO, Jan. aad Kay sold here 21 fat cattle, 1W fat sheep, 16 fat pigs, and S3 yous? plga. With a -my small uupplj of slock lot tke tiae of year sad a targe fmyem, including a few fanaats la qnart of rattle for abort keep, trada was eswEtembly bettor than at last sale, aefaral being usable to bay ai the prices. Fat cattle. 17s fid, or hem 9a 6d to 10s 3d par etooa; yoaag ALNWICK (ARCH HOLD'S), Jan.

Mr Artbboid hefcflbb weekly sale of fat stock. Tbe tnpply waa neineariv equal to tbe limial flto restrictions belay tamo red allowed dealers to operate freely, aad wera 6d par rteae tire upon beef, and per ih on strap. Cattle; Mailers, £l7l7aBd to AM ids; to Sheep: Hera. Ms to Us; ewes, to £2, 6d; abeaittogs, 64s 6d to cnotetioss Hetfsre, 10v 6d; stem, par atoM. Sheep: Shearlings, lOd; hoggs, earn, 9d per lb.

FENCE HOUSES, Jan. Chrysta! passed through this to-day cattle and Si Beth cattle aad sbeep were ef firrtetaus quality, aad sold wolL Two bullocks from the Maraeess of Londonderry 's Home Fans, brought £33 10a and A 23 IPs. Three bullocks Mat by Mr T. Kirtco of Dsworth, realised A2S 6s, AM, and £24 18s 9d. Mr Wilkin bad 2 tnlleete ferwart, which brought £26 and £24 Bbeep sold from to 6J; top price from R.

K. Cleasbjr. The Etrl of Durham sheep of splendid quality, which averaged 57s 6d ROTHBURV, Jan. 88 -With the eares of remored, mad other seedless but ruinous regulations to Issued for lbs Privy Council. the tone of trade to-day underwent a cheerful change.

A large attendance of buyers cm business bent, which they could pursue without let OV hind rases." A good throughout for both beef aud tossed. Ew! realised 10. 6d per (torn Mutton, a mom meagre supply, all ewes per lb. per Bullocks, to to £37 10s; bstfers. £lB ISt to £35 las.

Sheep. to 50a Numbers odd-31 eatlto. 83 sheep, and pigs. HEXHAM, Jaa. aed Co.

told 1 fat heifer, E. 1 eotdfm £3l 64 ahem: hoggt. Bto toSUMtop. Todd Brothers, Aulei Qracge; shearlings 36a to 60s top. Mr Jasper Sieybeaacw.

Newbfggla biMfc-faeed wrtbern, 87s to top. Mr White, Weatburabope; blackfaced ire, to Sto too, Mr T. White; Chariot asd Lel-etter ewea. Ke Sd to 67i top, Mr 7. Fork plm.

87s 6d to, gla Beef, 10a 6d per stone; mattoa, to 10fd per lb. This Is tbe first time this year that fat stock tow been allowed to be aold without being breaded, and aa soon as the public become aware of this they will no doubt forward (took more freely. CORNHILI, Jan. Embleicn asJ Son sold 53 tat cattle, 990 fat 20 pigs, and tO skins bare to-day. ewMaUon of the marking and branding order and the removal of tbe restrictions upon Use moi-mmt of stock into Newcastle bad a bnoyant effect anon rale, sold welt at Ida 6d per stoat; (or smalllpriine heifers current 10s per stone.

Cattle pet head: Mariey Koowa, £2l 6s: Conptaad Mill, £26; East Leans Oil tb, £27 ss; Wart; Common. £23 10s; CorabiU (Mr Fabler). £2B 10s; Sostb Doddiagtoo. £24; Netbit, £26 6s; Tithe HUI, £3l IGb: North Doddfoaten, £25 ss; West Field, £25 10s; £2l ss; JKilham, £23 ISe; Msridowu, £24; others to £2l ghoep srere also a fatly better trade. Sheep per bead: Tithe Hill, 68e; Barlees, Ms; Seanilaws.

635; St cW.bert, 6d; Skldlasr, Ste 6d: Wark. 70s; West Long, ridge, 66a, Ac. Pigs, to £1 30s; skins, to 7a TVHBDALE (HEXHAM), Jen. 21-Mr Thos. BUndford sold his mart to day 7 cattle.

sheep, and 3 peek pigs. The restrictions being removed canted more competition by the dealers being enabled to take the stock to Newcastle Fat cattle: Messrs Hedlcy, Bingfleld, Mr High Warden. £2O 10s to £2B 2a 6d; Mr William Teller, Green Carta, £1617 a 6d: Mr £l7 17s 6d to £lB 17s 6a. Sheep: Hoggs. Mr Bell, Wank Mill.

32s to 85s; Mr George Heed Linton Farm, 42s 8.1 to 455: Messrs Todd, Anick Grange. 6Se 6d to 58s; rhearlinjs, 43s 6d to 55s 6d, Mr Hudaun, Gallow Hill; 32s to 635. Mr C. Hesloe, Codlaw Dene; B.F wo hers. 42s to 43e 6d, Mr H.

Hudson. OeSlow BOL Figs, 21s 6d to 265, Mr W. Walton, Hexham. Beef, 10s 6d per atone; tnuttoa, lOd per lb. ALNWICK (SWAN'S), Jan.

supply of stock at tbis Bart to day consisted of 9 fat cattle, and 13 sheep. Respecting Quality both beef sad actios were seasonably good, and met aa exceedingly brisk demand at over bate quotations. there still aa uncertainty respecting the removal restrictions of cattle and sheep ahown at this mart, and they were consequently again branded. Prices as follows from Harlow Hill. £3O 10s; 15s; Wisp Law, £23 ICe to £33165; Greeusfleld Moor, £2O 6s.

Heifers: Ratcbeugh. £l6 35s to £2O; Battlebridge, £l6 7s 6d to £lB 15s. Sheep: fehearliisgs, Rugby, 6ie; Overihwaita (Cheviots! 465. Hoggt: Link Hall. 60s to 53a, Ewov, Rugby.

68s to 635. Quotations 10s; heifers, 10a 3d to SOe per stosee. Sheep, lOd. Ewes, 9jd. Hogg, lOld per lb.

Potatoes, champions, 4s 44 to 6s per 10 atones; Hyatt's, Ss td to 6r 9d per stones. Carrots, per 8 etoeve. BOROCOH AND SPITALFIELDS POTATO. Jaa. A good sdpply of potatoes were on offer There was a fair sale as Booamt, 80s to 1C0; Keg eats, 70s to 90s; Champions, 60a to 70s; and Victorias, 80s to 100s per ton.

FERRYHILL POTATO. Jan. 28-Farmers ia the district still have fair supplier, and but alow sale; prices about the aame as last week. Best kinds from £3 to £3 5s per ton wholesale, and £4 per ton taking single tons asd half tons. Pig potatoes, a limited supply.

£2 per ton. DARLINGTON PROVISION. Jus. 23. Butter" was Is Ed to Is 9d per lb; eggs, 8 to 9 for Is; potatoes tending lower: champions.

£3 7s 6d per ton; Bjd to 7d per stone retail; apples. Is 2d to 2a per st-ne; geese, 7s to 10s; chickens, to Ss pet couple; rabbits. 3s to 3s 6d hires, 5s to 5s Sd each. CLYDE CRUSHED r'jan. cannot be quoted, scarcely any business been dons owing the late storm, and dealers' adrices not being to hand.

The official report is interrnpted, owing to the storm. It can hardly bo called a market to-day, anything doing is at steady prlcej. LONDON GAME AND POULTRY, Jan. 23-Hares, 4s to 6(; white Is 9d to 2s 9d; pheasants, 3s to to 6J; prairie Souse," 3s to 3s 6d; woodco*cks, 3s to to; capercailzie, 2s 6d to 61; ptarmigan, 9d to la; wild (tacks, 2s to 3s; snipe. Is 6d to Is lod; turkeys.Ms to 12s 6d; docks, 2s to to; geese, is to 8s 6d; and chickens, 3d to 2a 93 each LONDON PROVISIONS.

Jan. No arriral of Friesland, but mort of the fine butters on the way sold at to 140s guaranteed. Normandy, 130s to 142sr Jersey, 104s to 118s; Danish, 143s to 1465; per cwt. Cheese American firm, at the rates previously quoted; Dutch steady: Edam, 62s to Ooudaa, 66e to 60s; Derby 60s to 64s Bacon market steady, and demand moderate, without alteration in prices. Eggs slow aale; small, 6s 9d; large, 8s to 8s 6d; extra selected, lis per 120.

METROPOLITAN HEAT. Jan a moderate supply on The trade eras better at the fallowing Per 61b tbs mmm Ter 81b by tee carcass. d. d. d.

a. Inferior beef 3 Ok 3 8 Middling 4 Otob 0 Middling do 0 4 6 Prime do. 6 0 8 2 Prime iatge 4 8 5 8 Scotch do 0 0 0 0 Prime email 0... 5 0 6 4 Large pork 3 6 3 8 Vaal 6 8 6 0 Small pork 4 8 Ipferior mutton 3 4 4 0 1 Lamb 0 0 0 0 PRODUCE, No reriral of demand, and but little business has been done In either dried or andried refined goods. Beet is still weak, and since Friday has eold for 17s 4jd February.

Cane sugars remain out of demand. Coffee: There has not been ranch doing to-day. and the rates Kd do not essentially alter quotations. Teas: The public sales re gone with a fair demand at steady rates for India; the small quantities of China green and scented teas also went at about steady prices. Rice continues dull.

Jute in moderate request. Hemp inactire. Oils Linseed quiet: London, spot. 19s to 20s; Hull. 13s Cd to 80s; English brown rape.

31s spot. Turpentine: American spirits. 25s 3d per cwt. Petroleum is qnoted 7id per gallon spot. Tallow market it tadr; Y.C., 61 Cd spot.

TOE FISH TRADE. NORTH SHIELDS, Jan. to ths severity of the weather there was no fish at market this morning. GRIMSBY. Jan.

23 -Plaice. 25s to Sis; lerels. 20s to 235; lemon, 76s to 83s; soles, to 2335; dabs. Us to 13s; IBs to 235; to Its; round 20s to 275; to 3s: witches. 20s to 26c per box; turbot, 12s to 235; brill, 3s to ling, 4s to 9s; Use cod, 8s to skate, 3s to 8s; hake, 53s to 755: cod.

140s to roker, coal fish. 22s so per score; 25s to 23s per kii; halibut, to 15s per stone; fish scarce. BILLINOSG FISH, Jan. herrings. 10s to roused 8e to 9s 6d; pickled to 6.1; red.

3s to kippers, 10s to lis 6d; bloaters, to 9s; Digby chicks, 25s to 80s; natire oysters, 18s 6d to 225; Dutch 6U to 13a fid; Spanish do 2s to EM; American 9J to 8s 61; Portuguese do to Wel'b fid to Us; and French to 12s CJ fer 100. WOOL MARKETS AND FAIRS. LONDON, Jan. 28 wool trade it without fresh fe Tlic demand for both Colonial and English produce in rery moderate, and remain about the same. BRADFORD, Jm The market Is without sny Improvement The few hand-to-mouth purchases made since Thursday have not sufficed to impart any animation to the trade.

Prices are far from strong. Holders are reloc*nt to yield, and will not even acknowledge that there is any giving way. But buyers always try to obtain some concession, and in their judgment the market is In their favour. The fact is that January has disappointed the general expectation, and the end of the month finds business quieter than at the boginning. Even IBotsny descriptions are slower of sale, and though the quantity coming forward at the next I-ondon sales pot large, there no confidence that values will be maintained.

There is no change in mohair or alpaca. Yams; Th-re has been a good deal of irregularity in the during last week, and business has been consequently interfered with. But it Is plain that there is no eagerness to buy, either abroad or among the foreign shipping agents here. A fair amount of cur are being produced and used, and there are necessarily inquiries for sundry bat the want of thorough confidence in values buyers to defer their where they can, and to offer only the lowest for what they buy. keep up pretty well owir.g to their consumption as warps la the home trade Mohairs have met with mors inquiry, bnt prices luck firmness.

P.ece*: The operations of merchants have been somewhat scanty to day, and manufacturers ars getting anxious for new engaged on bright fabrics are, however, somewhat more generally occupied. IRON AND COAL MARKETS. LONDON METALS, Jan. foreign tin quoted i'B3 spot Copper, A'ss far 0.0.8. Chilli bare spot oul end tpcliot unchanged.

Closing: Copper steady: Chili, 56J; three months, S6j j. Tin fins: fine foreign, 33J three months, 84). MIDDLESBROUGH IRON SHIPMENTS, Jan. tons of "pig iron of which 660 tons went to 1,262 tons at manufactured 2,136 tons -were cleared at the Middlesbrough Custom House. GLASGOW PIG IRON, Jan.

close of the market on Friday sellers were 43s 8d cash, and 4Js Slii one tnanih: near. Business was done this forenoon at 6.1 to 43s 2d cash: also at 43s 7id to 43a 4d one month; closing sellers, 43s 2id cash, and 43s 4.1 one month: buyers, near. Buviucss in the afternoon was clone at 4Ss lid to 43i cash; also at 43s 3d to 43s 31d ope month: and afterwards sellers were 43s 2ld cash, and 43s one month: buyers Tho stock of pig lion in Messrs Omnal and stores on Salisrdsv afternoon amounted to 589,336 increase of 488 tons sin the preceding day. At Middlesbrough the quantity was 62 232 tons an increase of 9 tons since the dy preceding. LONDON COAL, Jan.

weather caused 'an improved demand for house coal to-day, and an advance of 6d per ion was obtained. No Hartleys at market. Hetten, 16s 6.1 Lambtcn, 16a: Cnradoc, 16s 6d; Hetton Lynns, 15s; Ships at market, 33; sold. 7: contracts, PIS, shirs at sea, 6. Cargoes sold Vaushall, Constantino, s.

Seaham Harbour, i. Grade, s. Joseph Rickett, Kclloo. feeaton, Allendale, Hcary Morton, Nevrent, s. New Pellon, Finrhalo, Dafilo, 8, Chipcbase, s.

Matin, IVUw s. Sinbad, Fenton, Dtrenth. s. Lord A. I'aget, Win.

Hunter, s. Telesilia, s. Glendaio. s. Ana Webster, Douslas, Garron Tower, Ernest, I tuna, Cieadoe, J.

It. Hinde, John Liildell, Edward Eccles, Spero, Chester, II r- ''-orns, s. Refulgent, s. Ambient, lady Aline, "wbeth, A bans, John Joh oars on. MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS LONDON HOP, Jan.

23 Mountain, Horsley, and Co. report a good business doing, and prices continue to harden. LIVERPOOL COTTON. Jan. the spot market the demand is fair at full prices.

Sales, 12,003. Speculation and export, 2.000. Imports, 22.466, to- day. Futures show a slight improvement on the morning's advance, and now fully 3 62d advance. Jauusry February, February-llarcb.

6 62-WiL MANCHESTER COTTON. Jan. is a good demand for shipping yarns at hardening prices. Yarns for home consumption move very slowly, and with more pressure to sell quotations hare favoured buyers. Cioth is in considerably diminished supply.

There Is an average inquiry for most descriptions. A largo business, however, not been put throuth owlnc to the advanced views of sellers MMtom. wwo "fwfr IRrfblls XbOAWZOKV BAKOIO POWDHt wwowaMMM, tWICK'S BAKING POWDKB. FOR CAKE. SAHIB AND FOR NORFOLK BUMPLIXOS.


WYNYARD PARK A lAdy'i Orcr-Jteket 0 COAT. WYNYARD PARK A IMj OtOT-Jacfcat for intermediate Seam. Own design. J. J.

FENWICK, LADIES' TAILOR HABIT MAKER ffcfotmrfk Journal. TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1884. THE Sunday evening lecture movement, which has just been inaugurated in Newcastle, is. as its promoters say, "anew departure," so far as this city is concerned. Wo wish we could join with them in believing that it is a departure likely ever to arrive at the ends which they all profess to have, and which, doubtless, many of them have very sincerely in view.

In the first place, however, there can no deutb it is a step towards the secularisation of the Sunday. In these days of progress and poverty" the dividing line between the sacred and the secular is not only too frequently treated as a fiction, but thero is a quiet but very real determination in certain influential quarters to obliterate it altogether. First, tho essential principles of religious faith are treated as things apart from all tho more prominent concerns of life. They have nothing to do with business, nothing to do with politics, nothing to do with social lifo. Men who profess to be zealous in Christian churches and Christian work, think it no disparagement to bo represented in Parliament by avowed contemners of revealed short, outside the doors of church and chapel religious principle is treated as if it wero no more essential matter than tho cut of one man's coat as distinguished from the fashion of another's.

Under conditions like these, it must be manifest to any person of candid judgment that the sanctity of the Sunday though it may bo struggled for for a time in obedience to custom and is inevitably doomed, unless it shall be saved by a very decided reaction on the part of the religionreverencing part of the community. In the long run men must be guided by the dictates of common sense; and if the belief in a GOD is a matter of privato opinion, on which people may agree to differ, and yet act together in all other capacities with mutual sympathy and confidence, church-going must of course bo also a question of taste; and it will be absurd to contend for the sanctity ofr the Sunday as a rule which is to be generally and publicly binding. Wo must be sensible and consistent. It is impossible either to defend or to sympathise with those who are ready to mount political platforms, and invite the people to accept as their political prophets atheists and unbelievers, but who bewail or denounce the application of the Sunday to secular lectures and secular amusem*nts. They are themselves more responsible than any one else for what they condemn and deplore.

If the Sunday is to be preserved in England as a day of rest and religious worship, and not degenerate into what it is in Paris and other European cities, a day of ordinary pleasure, it will only bo so preserved by tho community maintaining the claims of religion to public sanctions and to public recognition in all departments of our national and social affairs. For our own part, we adhere to tliat principle decidedly and unhesitatingly; and for that reason wo arc unable to comment tho Sunday Evening Lecture movement, however much we may appreciate the motives and respect the sentiments of some of those who are connected with it. Mr Bcbt, M.P., who presided over Dr Carpenter's inaugural lecture last Sunday evening, seemed to bo very anxious to show that there was no fear of the Sunday becoming a dey of labour, even though it might be devoted to mere secular subjects. We do not know whether there is any danger of the Sunday in England becoming a day of labour or not; but it will not bo disputed that in Paris there is a great deal of ordinary industrial work done on Sunday; and it is not very evident what force there will be left to prevent workshops being kept open, when the bulk of the people have lost the idea, of the Sunday being a day set apart by Divino authority and sanction. Mr DI RT may, perhaps, believe that tho working-classes tliensselvos will jealously protect their seventh day's rest on the grounds of self-interest ar.d expediency.

But it is evident that when it is a question between rest and no wages, and work and pay, the poor may not be able to afford to respect tho Sunday. To talk of Sunday observance being stiff, and sour, and formal," is to make use of terms applicable enough, no doubt, within certain limits but just as there is a distinction between fanaticism and faith, and also between liberty and license, so is it not only dangerous but absurd to speak of sourness" and formality" as if they had anything to do with the principles of those who maintain that the divine and sacred character of tho Sunday should bo jealously prcserrcd. Professor CARPENTER, was mora distinct and cuUpokon. Ho sympathises, he tolls us, with the present mode of observing the first half of tho Sunday, but he would liavo the after part devoted to "intellectual and moral development which, to liis mind, was the basis of all religion." Wo disagree fcr our own part with Dr CARPENTER in making a distinction between ono portion of the Sunday and another; but we should be disposed to lay less stress upon tliat if we could have any security that tho real purpose of tho Lecturo Committee was to provide tho people with instruction in that sort of intellectual aud moral development which is the basis of all religion. His own locturo may not be liable to serious objoction on that ground; though when he admits that there is a difference of opinion as to the existence of a Personal Ruler of the Universe, and that the case js one that may bo argued, without in any wise alluding to Divine revelation as an element in tho inquiry at all, we take, leave to doubt whether this is tho sort of Sunday ovening teaching that is likely to by tho foundations of religious belief.

But we find that Dr CARPENTER is to be followed by Mr FREDERICK HARRISON; in Jho by Mr OSCAR WILDE. AS to Mr WILDE, we have still more serious doubts regarding'thc relevancy of his ingenious and entertaining views upon art to the basu of all religions." Mr HARRISON is one of the ablest leaders of the English Positivists, who aro labouring to pcrsuado the people of this country thai M. AVGI'STE COMTE'S rather misty deification of humanity lies at the basis both of religion and political government His lecture, we apprehend, will be a reply to Mr HENRY GEORGE'S views on the nationalisation of the land, wliich will doubtless bo able, and. might havo been very properly and beneficially delivered upon an evening when it could havo been attended by all classes of the community. These arc all the lecturers vet announced; bu' tHa Oreucittre will find II teprerible to keep the supply tbia leval; and, as wl do, must attract, we shall be curious to aw bow intsilscioal and moral riocatipn, with a nHgtai banc, ia to catored for lfcr caries proceeds.

One remark was general in regard to the audience which was present in the Oircua on Sunday craning, namely, that there were warp faint traces of the presence of "the lapsed masses" there. We hare been told that one of tho prime objects of the promoters is to compete with the public-houses and the street corners and that as the public-houses wiQ probably very soon be closed, the sitoattta will be still worse. The masses whom it fo rain to expect to see at church or chapel will hare nowhere to go to at this is an to proride for them a wholcssmo place of'resort It would be interesting to know if there were any fewer people than usual in the r.ublic-houaes became of the attendance in the Circus on Sunday evening. We can only any that the resemblance between the audience there and those which were to bo found in tho places of worship was so close as to present no discernible point of difference. We are exceedingly sceptical about the public-houM frequenters going to hear Sunday evening lectures; but, on the other hand, we can quite see that Sunday STening lecturls will pare the way for a class of amusem*nts more to tho taste of the masses.

They will argue that if one who cares to hear about art, or science, or politics, may do so at a cheap rate by going to the Circus, third is no reason why thoee who like a kind of recreation more allied to the music hall typo, may not hare their tastes gratified also. In short, the one has as good a right to be considered as the other; and we hare no doubt we shall have other wellmeaning persons organising concerts and entertainments upon exactly the same grounds at those advanced by the promoter! of the lectures. Once get rid of the idea that there is any sanctity in the Sunday and its pursuits, and there is nothing which can possibly stand in the way of the full introduction of the Parisian method of observance. We commend this consideration with all candour and oarnestneas to the religious community. They may, like us, feel the utmost respect for the motives and intentions of the Lecture Committee; but that is quite another thing from countenancing a ment which, like the letting out of water, is sure in the Song run to deluge the city with a flood of secular enterprises and amusem*nts, beforo which the sacredness of the Sunday will sorely disappear.

Mr CHAPLIN'S success last evening in convincing his audience of the strength and justice of his case must have surpassed his expectations. We have frequently remarked that the notion prevailing in certain quarters that the town populations are indignantly opposed to the demands of the agriculturists for protection against the importation of foreign cattle disease is a delusion. That a very lazy idea of the facts prevails amongst the masses of tho people, and that consequently a political speaker, probably as badly informed as his hearers, by making random assertions may evoke echoing applause is true enough; but it is only necessary that the case should be made as clear and cogent as it was in Mr CHAPLIS'S speech last evening in the Lecture Hall, not only to silence but to convince every hearer capable of weighing and appreciating the force of facts, We alluded to tho support given by Mr COWEN to Sir CHAPLIN at the meeting of the Farmers' Club on Saturday, and we have now to add MTCIIAEI.ES MAEK PALMER to the number of Liberal who have been convinced that the case of the farmers is irresistible. It is of course unfortunate that the Government' should so stubbornly adhere to a position in which they have literally not a leg to stand upon; and it is very evident now that they will not bo supported in their resistance by a numerous anil influential body of their own followers. Io short, so far as the opinion of the country, and tho opinion of the House of Commons, too, is concerned, the battle is manifestly won; and all tliat remains is that steps should be taken to secure that effect shall be given as early as possible to this conviction.

Undoubtedly the Government would do well to act upon the hint of Mr PALMES, and make what is called "an important announcement' of their intentions at tho earliest opportunity. It is for their interest quito as much as that of any other party that the tion should be settled promptly, and before it has become if not a party, at least an administration question. The attitude assumed by Mr CHAPLIN and others at the present moment is the beat and most conclusive evidence of thqjr earnestness and honesty of purpose. Assuredly, if tho Opposition wished to make political capital out of tho question, they would not go about inviting the frank co-operation of their opponents, and admitting that the question is one that need have no reference to party. Rather they would be found doing what they could to provoke the Government into a more obstinate resistance, so that they might gather in the fruits of the agitation in political support at the next General Election.

Instead of that, they are building all sorts of golden bridges for tho Ministers to retreat over from their untcnablo position whilst there is still time; and certainly the latter will display very little discretion if they do not embrace the opportunity. Mr CHAPLIN gave excellent reasons last -night for his belief that tho Frivj Council have sufficient power under the existing Act to do all that is asked of thom. But if they still adhere to their contention that it is not so, they might pas 3 a Bill conferring upon themselves tho requisite powers during the opening weeks of tho Session, probably without encountering the slightest opposition. TIIE TIEV MARSDEN GICSON AND THE GUILD OF ST. MATTHEW.

We are requested by the Rev Marslcu Clbson to publish the following Newcastle-upon-Tyne, January 22th. 13it. fJDear regret to inform tlut I fed compiled to sever my connection with the Guild ol St. Matthew, an intention of which I am inform Lag the secretary by this post, and that for the following I first heard of the Guild as an organisation labouring amongst the (by title understand persons who hare consciously or unconsciously abandoned instead of it a life in the interests ol this present world), I enrolled myself amongst its members. This I did the more gladly because it appeared to me to supply iu its motto exactly the is by nine-tenths ot the indifference to Christianity which is painfully amongst large classes of men who aro otherwise well disposed towards all that is good and true; that motto Is An attempt to justify God to the people." My feeling upon this subject is entirely unchanged, and did the Guild confine its labours to the object indicated in motto I should continue to hail its assistance as the greatest pos-ible boon; but in vonr addresses at Newcastle last week you introduced many other topic-, and on somo subjects you laid down of sriiich I totally disapprove.

For this reason I feel bound to disavow a boly holding opinions for I cannot make myself responsible. Because, as the founder anil the moving spirit of the Guild ol St. Matthew, you must be regarded official mouthpiece In the first place you preached discontent to your audience ot working men on the Sandhill, hn i held up the landlords and ail persons who had saved money to execration as robbers; now this is surely directly opposeifto tho teaching and practice of our although he reproached the rich almost fiercely for any neglect of their duties to faces, lie invariably addressed the poor in consolatory tone, not telling them to hate the Scribes a- robbers, but to obey fho laws, as tcven they interpreted tbein, because unworthy ai many of them were, they sat in Moses' seat; his eflorts to reform the laws were addressed to the Scribes themselves. It cannot surely be the office of a minister of Christ to preach to one cl.i*s of men animosity against another. secondly, youex- reared an admiration for the charact-r ar.d work of Mr liradrugh, a true representative of tire people, in a way which appeared to me calculated to iucrease the influence of whoso power over the masses, an enemy of Christianity, I would do anything legitimate to lessen.

Thirdly, your advocacy of moderate drinking, as favonrable to cheerfulness and 'ho general welfare of humanity, was contrasy to my judgurjnt, anil was particularly distressing to me, considering the prevalence of excessive drinking in this district. Fourthly, as to the theatre, whilst feeling strongly that tho Drams might be as it was in Athens, a mighty i ngiue of moral and religious teaching, yet I cannot advocate its claims as you do whilst Its attractions continue to bo so painfully nreietritious at present amongst a state of things which it injurious both t) actors and spectators. There are. lastly, some theological opinions which yon expressed with which agree but as these are not of public interest, 1 need net specify them iu this letter, of which I am sending a copy to the local I am, dear sir, faithfully yonrs. MAU-lIIN GICSCN To tto Rev Stewart D.

llcad'am. War 'cn of Guild of St. Matthew. u-dalone Lodge. January 22th, 13CI.

reply to your Utter of tlrejzith inst. to the Rev Stewart Headlam's preaching at St a permit me to remind you that par' if the resp risibility doing so rests with yourselves. On the ui I offered to write and request bim to cancel the engagement, rather than that you shuultl feel compelled by a reuse of ifo'y to write to the Bishop upon tho subject, and so appear to occupy a po-ition of antagonism to me, which was not the ran-. Had you accepted this oiler, it would have eared much troobb but you declined to do so, no doubt from inotiv, of consideration for myself, and bne of your number asked me whether would object to his sending a copy of the announcement to I.i« lordship nuonyniously; to this lat once agreed That you left the vestry with an understanding that I was to let you know whether Mr Headlam was to preach or not, as ate fn your letter, and hi your communication to the Journal on 'be 20th is, you must excuse my saying, a mistaken impression; hid it been otherwise, why. should one of your have announced his Intention of ab-enting himself on tho following Sunday morning, an intention which ho carried nt; another that he should on the contrary attend, and so whilst the third made no statement of Iris bit, contrary to invariable custom, stayed away from church oil the occasion 1 This was all quite irrespective of any communication from me.

which I hail no yon expected, aud which could rot have altered your conduct. With regard to your kindle expressed suggestion, that in a mutual agreemrnt'in matters affecting the church would most conduce to tho wi-lfare of the congregation. I'gladly and cordially accept it; and. Indeed. I believe that this Is the first, as will Ire the last occasion, when 1 have been found to act in opposition 'o the withes of my wardens.

As you arc aware. I hold, and have loag maintained, that a congregation Las a clear richt to express their wi-hes as to the ordering of the affairs of their church the wardens being the constitution I exponents of three and that it the duty ot tbf incumlient to be guided by ihein so far as bU conscience allows him in am, rmtlsmen. faithfully and rinccrely. To the WanlcnsNrf Ft. Thomas i Church, Newcastle cn-Tysc.

As this ieltor is partly in reply to or.o bv von cress.U am sordino a coov to the.

The Journal from Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, England (2024)
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