🆚What is the difference between "1. I'm good with numbers." and "1. I'm good at numbers." ? "1. I'm good with numbers." vs "1. I'm good at numbers." ? (2025)


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22 November

  • Simplified Chinese (China)

Quality Point(s): 236

Answer: 48

Like: 1523

  • English (US)

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🆚What is the difference between "1. I'm good with numbers." and "1. I'm good at numbers." ? "1. I'm good with numbers." vs "1. I'm good at numbers." ? (2)

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22 November

Featured answer

  • English (US)

Quality Point(s): 45273

Answer: 9262

Like: 7377

The first is natural. Itvexpresses your skill at using numbers effectively. The second one says that you do well in an activity called "numbers".

For example, these are both correct:

I'm good with a tennis racket.

I'm good at tennis.

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🆚What is the difference between "1. I'm good with numbers." and "1. I'm good at numbers." ? "1. I'm good with numbers." vs "1. I'm good at numbers." ? (4)

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🆚What is the difference between "1. I'm good with numbers." and "1. I'm good at numbers." ? "1. I'm good with numbers." vs "1. I'm good at numbers." ? (10)


22 November

Show answer from the AI monga

"1. I'm good with numbers." 和 "1. I'm good at numbers." 这两个句子在英语中有一些微妙的区别。

"I'm good with numbers." 这句话通常表示一个人擅长处理数字,理解数字,或者善于运用数字。这个人可能在数学方面有天赋或者经验丰富。这句话强调的是对数字的熟练掌握和运用。


"I'm good at numbers." 这句话也表示一个人擅长处理数字,但更强调的是对数字本身的理解和运用。这个人可能在数学方面有很好的能力或者技巧。


总的来说,"I'm good with numbers." 更侧重于对数字的熟练掌握,而"I'm good at numbers." 更侧重于对数字的理解和运用。

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22 November

  • English (US)

Quality Point(s): 45273

Answer: 9262

Like: 7377

The first is natural. Itvexpresses your skill at using numbers effectively. The second one says that you do well in an activity called "numbers".

For example, these are both correct:

I'm good with a tennis racket.

I'm good at tennis.

Highly-rated answerer

🆚What is the difference between "1. I'm good with numbers." and "1. I'm good at numbers." ? "1. I'm good with numbers." vs "1. I'm good at numbers." ? (12)

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about 1 hour

  • Simplified Chinese (China)

Quality Point(s): 236

Answer: 48

Like: 1523

@airymountain Thank you for your help!

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🆚What is the difference between "1. I'm good with numbers." and "1. I'm good at numbers." ? "1. I'm good with numbers." vs "1. I'm good at numbers." ? (20)

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🆚What is the difference between "1. I'm good with numbers." and "1. I'm good at numbers." ? "1. I'm good with numbers." vs "1. I'm good at numbers." ? (2025)
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Name: Errol Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.